Snoop Dogg DESTROYS Woke Leftists, Thanks Trump For Doing GREAT THINGS in Epic Rant!



My friend just kicked 3 of us out of his house for voting for Donald. So tolerant. I never kicked him out for voting for communism

The party of tolerance always seems so tolerant 🤣


  1. In some ways, it may have been a blessing to have the dummycrats steal the 2020 election. They have completely exposed themselves are immoral Marxist brain dead stupid fuckheads who have more admiration for a stupid old dusty fart who shits his pants while lying all the time with a VP who climbed the political ladder by being a cocksucker. Shitpants Joe’s administration could’ve provided the ultimate wake up call for most of the American people. The ones who refuse to wake up are the examples of there’s no cure for stupid.

    • I agree completely. I’d take your last comment one step further: not only is there no cure for stupid, but at this point there’s also no cure for evil. Anyone who supports the killing of the unborn, the sexualization of children (and the sexual mutilation of the bodies of children), the release of violent criminals into society, and the hatred of American traditions despite clearly having benefited from such traditions, can only be described as pure evil. This is the war that exists in the end times – it’s not a physical war, but a spiritual one. Satan’s army is fully formed and clearly identifiable. When people lament the polarization of society and pray for more “tolerance”, they fail to realize that there can be no compromise with, or tolerance of, evil. This is about something much bigger than simply “getting along” with our fellow man. It wasn’t conservatives who attempted to change – even dismantle – the playing field. It was the left. They brought on this war, and it’s ultimately a war they can’t win. This is not the side that any righteous person will ever choose.

  2. How can SSI pay 31 millions in 2 months to dead people and wait 6 months before administering SSI payments to a disabled child that badly needs it to live? Why when you were a Mayor and you knew the US Department of Housing and Urban Development discriminated against Hurricane Harvey victims, why didn’t you sue HUD then? Did you put hurricane victims on hold until a deceased Congressional seat became available to sue HUD for discriminating against Hurricane Harvey Victims in 2017? The entire lawsuit should be examined by DOGE Mr. President. The entirety of the lawsuit should be vetted and investigated for legitimacy on behalf of the Hurricane Harvey Victims in Houston, TX 2017. Reference: NBC News 01/29/2025 Thank You!

  3. That coven of Bitches on the View. No talent hags left out of their kennel daily. They need distemper and rabies shots. Snoop could buy and sell those gargoyles 100x over. Say F.U. to them and move along. Sunny calling POTUS a felon, she may be visiting her old man at the Federal Pen soon for RICO charges. Trumps charges will be gone, her old man will still be wearing an orange jumpsuit. When that trashy show is gone Navarro can take English lessons, and then apply as the Fat lady at the circus..


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