Shame on these people who are being critical of the President honoring a child who survived cancer. They are so full of hate that they can’t see the forest for the trees! They are knit pickers and, if they’re going to criticize the President, find something legitimate to complain about. This is horrible!
We must honor and protect American children, and that includes eliminating the use of toxic chemicals that are causing cancer. Billions of pounds of toxic, deadly chemicals are sprayed and dumped all around us every year, and we wonder why people are 53% less healthy than 50 years ago. This is particularly obvious in the health of America’s children. The use of toxic chemicals is done specifically to profit certain industrial sectors and has absolutely nothing to do with any needs or values. It’s all profit driven. Shameful.
Wow! Really Rachael? How low will you go? This little boy went through he’ll with cancer. President Trump just gave him some hope and made him an honorary agent. He’ wanted to be a cop. You turned the whole thing around. You must not have kids. Shame on you for being so obtuse.
Let more lawsuits take down MSNDC!
Rachel Madcow is the best reporter out of Moscow! Brainless and without a clue that no one watches and no one cares!
They will all rot in hell together.
Wish these two ladies would spend some time working with the Dreams Come True organization in their work with young people battling their own life-threatening diseases or disabilities. Those kids dealing with trying to survive repeated surgeries, treatments and therapies are much stronger than those who have no heart, compassion, and respect. And to hear this young man speak about having a dream of being a law enforcement officer, is amazing when he is trying to survive long enough so he can protect other people’s lives!
OMG! Here we go again. They are so out of touch with the real world!
There are no words to describe my distain for them and for the Democrats during last night’s State o the Union address. What if one of their loved ones was injured, raped or killed by an illegal immigrant. What if one of their daughters had been confronted in a girls’ locker room by a biological male. What if one of their loved ones had been brought back home from illegal detainment in a foreign country. Wouldn’t even that garner some positive reaction? Apparently not. This wasn’t about a policy you disagree with. This was abut humanity. Democrats are sickening, their behavior abhorrent. They have no souls. And if they think their actions last night won over anyone, they are mistaken. If I were a Democrat, I would be ashamed to admit it. Thankfully, I am a proud American first, who happens to be a Republican. Democrats don’t even act like they are proud to be Americans! Maybe they should all leave the United states!
The only thing disgusting are the two old cows with an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump wasn’t using that young boy but they sure were. That network needs to revamp their news casters. First Joy Reid’s mouth and now Wallace and Meadows.
And here’s another angle to be inspected. If you hold up a sign on national TV that tells the public that a person is a thief, can’t you be held libel for that? Isn’t that slander? Those are elected representatives of the people. They’re on video and easily identifiable. If my name had been on that sign, I’d be lawyering up.
I for one do not want to see this anywhere,I have been to concerts that I have paid good money to see someone only to have it interupted by some one ‘s sad storey about losing half a lung,etc
For that young boy, this is probably going to be the greatest moment in his life and the lives of his parents. Leave it to the shit-for-brains dummycrats to try and spoil it. They say they’re the party that cares, BULLSHIT! The dummycrat party should be exterminated, because if given a chance, they’ll try to exterminate us.
Shame on these people who are being critical of the President honoring a child who survived cancer. They are so full of hate that they can’t see the forest for the trees! They are knit pickers and, if they’re going to criticize the President, find something legitimate to complain about. This is horrible!
We must honor and protect American children, and that includes eliminating the use of toxic chemicals that are causing cancer. Billions of pounds of toxic, deadly chemicals are sprayed and dumped all around us every year, and we wonder why people are 53% less healthy than 50 years ago. This is particularly obvious in the health of America’s children. The use of toxic chemicals is done specifically to profit certain industrial sectors and has absolutely nothing to do with any needs or values. It’s all profit driven. Shameful.
Wow! Really Rachael? How low will you go? This little boy went through he’ll with cancer. President Trump just gave him some hope and made him an honorary agent. He’ wanted to be a cop. You turned the whole thing around. You must not have kids. Shame on you for being so obtuse.
She can’t have kids, she’s a lesbian
she’s a lesbian with an appetite for rugs.
MSNBC hosts have the morals and personalities of a gnat – nonexistent.
Classless news network and idiots protecting Biden. She needs to go
Let more lawsuits take down MSNDC!
Rachel Madcow is the best reporter out of Moscow! Brainless and without a clue that no one watches and no one cares!
They will all rot in hell together.
Wish these two ladies would spend some time working with the Dreams Come True organization in their work with young people battling their own life-threatening diseases or disabilities. Those kids dealing with trying to survive repeated surgeries, treatments and therapies are much stronger than those who have no heart, compassion, and respect. And to hear this young man speak about having a dream of being a law enforcement officer, is amazing when he is trying to survive long enough so he can protect other people’s lives!
This is why I call them demoncrats.
OMG! Here we go again. They are so out of touch with the real world!
There are no words to describe my distain for them and for the Democrats during last night’s State o the Union address. What if one of their loved ones was injured, raped or killed by an illegal immigrant. What if one of their daughters had been confronted in a girls’ locker room by a biological male. What if one of their loved ones had been brought back home from illegal detainment in a foreign country. Wouldn’t even that garner some positive reaction? Apparently not. This wasn’t about a policy you disagree with. This was abut humanity. Democrats are sickening, their behavior abhorrent. They have no souls. And if they think their actions last night won over anyone, they are mistaken. If I were a Democrat, I would be ashamed to admit it. Thankfully, I am a proud American first, who happens to be a Republican. Democrats don’t even act like they are proud to be Americans! Maybe they should all leave the United states!
Why would anyone expect anything different from this group of foul old crows.
They are part of the disgusting mentally afflicted Democrats we saw at the State of the Union.
The only thing disgusting are the two old cows with an extreme case of Trump Derangement Syndrome. Trump wasn’t using that young boy but they sure were. That network needs to revamp their news casters. First Joy Reid’s mouth and now Wallace and Meadows.
And here’s another angle to be inspected. If you hold up a sign on national TV that tells the public that a person is a thief, can’t you be held libel for that? Isn’t that slander? Those are elected representatives of the people. They’re on video and easily identifiable. If my name had been on that sign, I’d be lawyering up.
I for one do not want to see this anywhere,I have been to concerts that I have paid good money to see someone only to have it interupted by some one ‘s sad storey about losing half a lung,etc
For that young boy, this is probably going to be the greatest moment in his life and the lives of his parents. Leave it to the shit-for-brains dummycrats to try and spoil it. They say they’re the party that cares, BULLSHIT! The dummycrat party should be exterminated, because if given a chance, they’ll try to exterminate us.