Sen. Josh Hawley BRUTALIZES Nancy Pelosi Over Her Role In Jan. 6 Riot




NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW !! Arrest this people including Liz Cheney !!


  1. All the bad folks will get Biden’s pardons. Nancy Pelosi had the power and was willing to giggle along with the machinations and schemes. She’s not smart enough to devise the plans herself, but she made sure her daughter got the filming job. Nancy cancelled Trump’s requests for security and protection without letting Trump know. The B.S. committee to review the 1-6-2021 Capitol incident was more dirty than the 1-6-2021 incident, and I’m talking about the treason by those who organized it. The alleged bombs at DNC and RNC offices. The order to Byrd to create a “sacrifice” which resulted in Ashlee Babbitt’s murder. The racist DC cop who beat Boyland to death. The 4 DC cops who later committee suicide. The National Guard responds to how many “leaders”????? Well, we learned quite a bit about DC, didn’t we.

    • You said it all best. We all knew it but is there ANY tangible proof? I want to see all scumbags involved go to prison but the a**hole-in-chief will just pardon them. There has to be a loophole that’s being overlooked that will see justice served. Jan. 20 can’t be here soon enough. Even if they get pardons, we can make sure they never serve in office ever again, including their offsprings and other family members. ‘Oh what a tangled web we weave/When first we practice to deceive,’ by William Shakespeare is so fitting.

    • SHE needs to go to prison this Drunkard Pelosi had instagators stage a semi riot SHE did this she also had one woman shot and killed by one of her flunkies with a gun she gave the orders to kill this innocent woman who ws unarmed and simply attending a rally for Trump WHERE IS THE JUSTICE FOR AMERICAN CITIZENS ??
      this pin headed drunk hag is allowed to go around freely no questions answered not to mention her INSIDE TRADING DEALS THAT WOULD PUT ANYBODY IN PRISON

  2. Charge them all with treason by a military tribunal then make them pay with the strongest punishment. This will never happen again.

  3. The size of Pelosi’s head is so big that she cannot even begin to perceive herself as anything but perfect. She’s covered her tracks for so well and so long that she believes her own BS. She probably has dirt on everyone in the democratic party and uses it to blackmail her way through life. Even at this point, she sees her own actions as completely acceptable simply because she is who she is. You will NEVER get her to admit guilt because she truly doesn’t believe she’s guilty. Even if she knows what is and is not acceptable by the law, she thinks it’s OK for her to bend it to her purposes. But we know……..there WILL be a judgment day. Most of the people standing in front of an eternal Judge will understand the truth and express deep remorse. Nancy will be wide-eyed and totally shocked when she finally understands how evil she is. Like the Pharisee who never asked for forgiveness because his claim to heaven was that he was an educated Jew and knew the law, Pelosi will experience a whole new concept of truth. Here’s the difficult part. We, right now, need to pray for her. Hard to understand how God loves her, but He does. We, too, need to face the truth of God’s will.

    • We don’t have to like her or attempt to be besties with her. And no, we don’t have to want her to escape justice. Hardly so. But to expect God to hold back forgiveness for her while applying it liberally and without condition to everyone else is not how it works. Pray.

    • I hope you, elemteacher, are not in fact and never will ever be an elementary school teacher, because you are a hate-monger, spreading falsehoods and hate of the Jewish people. God will be judging you, too.

      • I can tell YOU never read the Bible. The Jews who thought they automatically had a free ride into heaven were the educated pharisees who actually thought they were smarter than God. Caiaphas was the prime example of this. He didn’t realize that he was just a puppet with the Romans pulling his strings, but God was also pulling his strings to fulfill prophecy that Isaiah spoke of. There were many times in the Old Testament when Jews were sold out by their fellow Jews, especially in the book of Kings. King Ahab’s marriage to Jezebel (Nancy Pelosi) is a good example of this. AND Jew George Soros sold out his fellow Jews to the Nazis and that’s where George began building his financial empire while the Nazis were exterminating the helpless Jews that George handed over to the Nazis. There’s nothing wrong with pointing out the wrongs of individuals, regardless of race or religion. It’s only when blanket statements about an entire race of people when the line is crossed.

  4. Pelosi, the biden crime family, racist barry, the January 6th committee, and the rest of the criminals will never see 1 day in jail!!! Anyone that is ignorant to how democrats are treated, compared to the way that Republicans are treated, are too ignorant to be allowed to vote!!!!!


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