I don’t like following speed limit laws, so if I get caught speeding, I’ll take it like a man and pay the fine. This dumb blonde bitch should accept the election results as is since even her own state dummycrat dominated supreme court has declared McCormick the winner. Since some the election fraud took place in Pennsylvania, especially in the county blondie is in, it’s more proof the 2020 election was stolen.
I believe that it was THE DEMOCRATS who screamed vociferously about Trump being an election DENIER!
So , democrats, you say you are “protesting “ the results????
IF they (communist) are allowed to live, YOU will have lost. IF they live, they will cheat, lie, steal and kill to advance their evil actions. They must die or be deported, to the middle of the ocean, and thrown overboard. Sharks need food and love too…..
I don’t like following speed limit laws, so if I get caught speeding, I’ll take it like a man and pay the fine. This dumb blonde bitch should accept the election results as is since even her own state dummycrat dominated supreme court has declared McCormick the winner. Since some the election fraud took place in Pennsylvania, especially in the county blondie is in, it’s more proof the 2020 election was stolen.
I believe that it was THE DEMOCRATS who screamed vociferously about Trump being an election DENIER!
So , democrats, you say you are “protesting “ the results????
IF they (communist) are allowed to live, YOU will have lost. IF they live, they will cheat, lie, steal and kill to advance their evil actions. They must die or be deported, to the middle of the ocean, and thrown overboard. Sharks need food and love too…..