Scott Jennings DESTROYS a panel of LOW IQ Democrats



Good job Scott Jennings!! America first. MAGA/Make America Safe Again!!

They should put Scott on ALL segments, he is pure gold for CNN


  1. The title is misleading. There is no such thing as a high IQ dummycrat. Low IQ is a requirement for being a dummycrat. Just look at what the dummycrat party did to Tulsi Gabbard and RFKjr. They were kicked out of the party for being too smart and truthful.

  2. these people that keep the Nazi thing going, never lived in that time and have NO CLUE but keep talking about it,
    removing the people who are working against him need to go because you will NEVER solve anything, but stupid arguments, you don’t need a bunch of back stabbers
    illegals need to go, simple we canNOT support them, keep paying for them like who is paying for their cell phones so they can tik tok dumb things, too many

  3. “Scott Jennings destroys a panel of low IQ Democrats.” I didn’t know there were high IQ demoncrats. I’ve never met one. Kinda like Bigfoot.

  4. Low IQ voters are the ones who put up Harris/Walz lawn signs. Four years of failure, open borders and brain-dead policies, and they want four more years of the same? Duh!

  5. after a year of her leftist friends attacking jews on campus around the country with the support of her leftist professor friends she thinks she should call anyone but her leftist friends nazi’s? she is not rational.

  6. These people are not smart. They are paid to promote the Commie agenda of the Left. They are not use to being countered with facts and can’t stand scrutiny. That’s why they get destroyed during open panel discussions where they can’t control the narrative. Also, the first clue that you are dealing with Commies is that they always throw out the ‘Hitler’ label. Hitler (rightfully so) was/is the eternal ‘boogeyman’ of the Communists dating back to WW2. Everything that went wrong with the Communist agenda was blamed on Hitler. We saw that first-hand when Trump entered politics — Trump was Hitler! They are still using the same old Commie tactics. This time though, it isn’t working.

  7. Calling Trump “Hitler” is imbecilic, empty and infantile. If Trump were Hitler, why would so many Jews (myself included) support him? Why would so many Jews show up at his rallies? President Trump is the best friend Israel ever had.

  8. The Executive Branch has been coopted by life long apparatchiks that serve the Donor Caste of the Democrat party, NOT THE COUNTRY. If you have an Executive that wants to serve the country, these people are to be run out of office, whether appointed or not, by whatever legal means can be contrived.


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