Anyone that can’t see the media is enemy number 1, isn’t paying attention. Scott is constantly ganged up on by complete idiots
It’s a wonder Scott Jennings can get an entire sentence out! He’s ALWAYS being interrupted by ALL of the others. And he makes the MOST SENSE!!
I’ve never met a high IQ dummycrat. Does any exist?
No. Zip. Zero. Nada.
Auto-pen is the Same as Forgery. Its not about what President Trump wants, ITS What the Americans WANT, Idiots Bless you and your Patience Scott, The Hags just wont let you say anything. I love Elon Musk Pro-nouns, “Prosecute Fauci”
Poor Scott. Can CNN possibly surround him with more worthless morons? They couldn’t pay me enough to put up with their stupidity every day.
Will these frauds ever let you he man answer a question, without being interrupted? Highly unlikely. If conservative outlets would stop showing clips from CNN, MSDNC, The Spew and other leftist media, there would only be 1,000 people watching them.
I think the real audience for those marxist lib shows is only around 9 people, who are drunk or high or both.