Scientists BOMBSHELL Discovery Under Pyramids in Egypt, Experts STUNNED | ‘Hidden Underground City?’



Nancy Pelosi should be grilled on what she saw as these were built.

They should use the same technology to find human trafficking tunnels.


  1. Benny, research LA Marzulli on youtube. He is a Christian who has found evidence of giant skeletons all over the world and pyramids all over too. In Genesis 6 it talks about fallen angels who were huge taking women and producing a race of giants, who would be very strong and fallen angels were in heaven once and had amazing technology and strength to build these huge objects that would be impossible to man. David slew Goliath who was a giant. Noah’s flood was to eliminate these creatures who took over the earth and Noah’s family were the only pure humans. Jesus could never have been born in non-human people. The fallen angels came again to pollute humankind, thus David and Goliath. Many believe that the gods of Greeks, Romans, etc. were actually the Nephilim (children of fallen angels). They are showing up again to deceive mankind. They will say they are our parents, not God. It is so evil and deceptive. Watch LA Marzulli. There are books out on this too.

  2. Its time for Elon Musk to fire up the Boring Company to design equipment and process to test this directly. We will see. Our Universe is very Old ( nearly 14 Billion years old ,and probably not the first.) On the Galactic scale we are a temporal Blip, and a pretentious one at that. The vast majority of reality is a ” known unknown “, and likely to remain so. This could all be a simulation run by the brat child of the accountant of the lawyer of the God of Gods God, for all we know ( which ain’t that much)


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