This snake in the grass, lying, backstabbing, worthless, incompetent, senator, that needs to stepdown, or be forced out. He should be arrested for threats against the Supreme Court, and others. He will not bring any votes to the floor, that why nothing gets done, in government. This man is a pathetic, sick, evil. backstabbing pos that can’t be trusted.
California will be losers and worthless f**** until they start. Putting some real conservatives and keep buddy for chocolate. Nancy and all the worthless Democrat losers mayor’s fire chiefs. The EI hires keep California DE.I.You will always be a loser
This snake in the grass, lying, backstabbing, worthless, incompetent, senator, that needs to stepdown, or be forced out. He should be arrested for threats against the Supreme Court, and others. He will not bring any votes to the floor, that why nothing gets done, in government. This man is a pathetic, sick, evil. backstabbing pos that can’t be trusted.
Look at California and thier so called intelligence team thier burning down thier state with all that intelligence
Schmuck Schumer isn’t working for us; he’s working against us.
California will be losers and worthless f**** until they start. Putting some real conservatives and keep buddy for chocolate. Nancy and all the worthless Democrat losers mayor’s fire chiefs. The EI hires keep California DE.I.You will always be a loser
Chucky should suffer a physical breakdown from a beat down.
Chuck needs to go, retire, stupid.