Sam Elliott Faces INSANE BACKLASH For The DUMBEST Video Yet!



How can she be “change” when she’s literally IN OFFICE NOW??

What a waste of what I thought was a man!!!!


    • Sam Elliot has lost a few fans. He needs to take his blindersoff so hecansee past his nose. Commie Harris is a coward to get into a debate that are not questions and no teleprompter. No esr rings that are hearing devices. All she knowis how to lie and liesome more . She is a disgrace she needsto goback to her birth country Bengazie. She was born there and raisedin Canada shewas not raised in California. Sam plese take your head off and screw it back on right.

      • Put Commie Harris in Trumps place bet she couldn’t do it without being locked up in a padded cell. Trump has more guts and grit that you would ever have. Wanta communistic country vote Harris if you want Freedom you better Vote Trump . We will make America Great again. Get this blinder off Sam so you can see what Biden and Harris have done to our country. Stop living in a plastic bubble Sam this is real life not s movie

  1. I have loved this guy for yearsโ€ฆ.not anymore! Very disappointing! I will put him on my shit list along with George Clooney , Robert Deniro, and others. Thought he was only a few in Hollywood that had any common sense!

  2. Screw you Sam Elliot. Get in touch with reality you loser. And screw the rest of the movies you may be in too. You don’t have the right to use your theatrical notoriety for this wood polishing loser who obtained the presidential nomination without the party even taking a vote on her acceptance or not. Your history to me you patriotic turncoat.

  3. This so call person who is talking about Sam Elliot is a fool. Probably a people hater depending on their race color or politics. Trump is and always will be a creep liar and probably one one the stupid Proud BOYS. ๐Ÿคฎ I hope they keep all of those creeps in JAIL

    • You’re more like Untruthful, you twit. When is the Obiden crime family going to prison? And Kacklea’s brother-in-law? Kacklea and Obiden should be charged with treason, for opening our borders and the disgraceful exit from Afghanistan.

    • “CNNโ€™s Dana Bash suggested the Harris-Walz ticket appeals to males who might not be as masculine as their Republican counterparts. CNNโ€™s Jake Tapper agreed, noting they had been speaking earlier about “different definitions of masculinity in 2024.”

      What color of hair do you have??

  4. Sam u fkg moron, I used to like this guy, but all these nut-jobs, with TDS, there is no hope. They have Trump living rent free in the pea brains, like sam, and there is no cure, and without help, u will die, your head will explode. lol

  5. I use to like him and some others, until you “WOKE” shits, no more. President Trump is the only, (LOOK IT UP) candidate that actually did what they said they would. Sam, you screwed up by going woke and Think Camilla is better. So sad for you

  6. I agree he was a vet of ww2 and just sold out his brother’s for a demonrat racist real man hater yep I would just argue that even Sam Eliot can have one senior moment

  7. The old man’s acting days are over. He’s trying to stay relevant, but instead he’ll become forgotten by at least half of the country.


  9. How much more could Trump do next to show he is even a bigger loser than he is now? He proved in less than one term that he was incompetent and clueless about economics, foreign affairs, history, science, technology, religion and running the country. The senile old buffoon is even dumber now as we listen to him babble nonsense. Keep flushing the orange turd before he does more damage to the country. Cost us $8 TRILLION dollars last time. What an embarrassment to America!

  10. Tombstone is going to take a hit on this one. I am so disappointed in Sam. Thought he was a more intelligent person than this. He just proved me wrong. Oh well. Another illusion.

  11. If you support Kamala Harris, you are seriously brain deficient! She does not support change, she has been in office for over 3 years. She is responsible for the high inflation, high grocery prices, high gas prices, stupid liberal policies such as the mutilation of young people, the indoctrination of young students to socialistic policies, encouraging amoral activities, encouraging the acceptance of information without any actual though about the information.

  12. Remember to NEVER invest in anything with Trump’s name associated with it! TMTGโ€™s share price hit a high of $79.38 on its first day of trading. Trump Media closed Thursday at $13.98 per share. This will be his 21st failed business, and his Liberty crypto coin will be 22. Next he will try selling watches. What an embarrassment to America this loser turned out to be.

  13. Sam, I was your devoted fan but you’re stupid in supporting the dumbest candidate in the race. I am putting every CD I own that had your movies, but now they are going into the burn pit.
    When you made this dumba$$ video, have you ever seen the rallies that President Trump put on??? Have you ever seen anything from the woman who has yet to provide a plan for the next 4 years? She doesn’t have one, ergo she hasn’t produced one. Trump has answered all questions put to him about his plans.
    The biggest disappointment is you hiring out to the Lincoln Project. They are collectively a limited-thinking group whose IQ doesn’t add up to room temperature on a cold day.
    Sam to say I’m disappointed is an understatement. Good luck in trying to get hired again.

  14. Trump caused people to get hurt at the Capitol and you still want to talk about elect Trump for President!!!!
    Trump is for himself and the middle class people who have a lot of money. He use people and move on to others who will give him money to act like an idiot!!! Have you ever heard of a president causing a riot at the capital! People were hurt and went to prison. No president should ever act like Trump did. What a disgrace!!!!

    • Yes, trying to overthrow the government and the elected vote of the people is treason. Most countries have the death sentence for that. Trump seems to have got away with his Communist act, but many of the Jan. 6 traitors are in jail, wishing they had never believed the orange turd saying the election was rigged.

  15. Huh…Wasn’t the HOPE & CHANGE Thang “O’s”…Where did that leave us fossil fuel dependent on all other countries, didn’t “O” put all other countries ahead of America, oh yeah bowed to muslim king, told us from TV that we American’s are not a christian nation, high taxes causing factories and corporation to move out of America, Obamacare .u can keep your doctor ..what happened skyrocket family premium of 4 up to $36,000 a year …..and Conrad Kam is worse than schumer aoc squad.
    She is a parrot, stealing from Trumps policies and stating as if..they are her own…I quit watching anything and every station with conrad kam.
    I listen to American Family Radio FM, 1440 subscription real news without the opinions and brainwashing, X, Rumble, Truth Social, The Bible.

  16. Harris for change the same change that Obama gave us
    That Change is how we got to where we are today
    Sorry I’m not for the left’s change
    It’s not the woman thing
    The woman is the kind of woman my mother warned me about

  17. THIS is Hollywood. you HAVE to toe the line or never get another part in any movie or TV show. THIS is “toeing the Line”. Sam has sold out to the socialist left. Fake, Phony and Despicable. Sad little man

  18. I canโ€™t believe he has done this video. What a jerk! I always thought he was on Trumpโ€™s side. I liked him, but now I donโ€™t want to see or hear him again! What a disappointment!

  19. i never knew sam eliot was a total brain dead liberal….well, i’m an old geezer who watches westerns and will no longer watch such an idiot again…i do actively boycott many products and websites if they are blatantly left wing

  20. I thought Sam Elliot in interviews stated he was conservative or pro Trump. I am disappointed. I will never watch another film of his – Boooo – rotten tomatoes at him. GO PRES TRUMP THE LORD JESUS CHRIST WILL HELP YOU WIN 2024 to HELP OUR NATION.

  21. Trump is the Commie who idolizes Putin. Thank you LORD JESUS for flushing the orange turd after his one disastrous term. It was god’s will.


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