Rosie O’Donnell’s Kid Arrested For Leaving Baby in House Full of Meth Pipes



Rosie O’Donnell was supposed to leave the USA if trump won the president. Why is she still here?

Another great lesbian adoption success story.


  1. Let’s talk election. Even though Harris isn’t much, we need to dump Trump again. Trump was the worst president in history. Fortunately Americans flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. Now he wants to add tariffs to foreign imports, which would greatly increase inflation. Plus he wants to give more tax breaks to the rich again, without a clue how to replace the lost revenue, again. Last time he cost us $8 TRILLION dollars of added debt thanks to being clueless about economics. The senile fool is too incompetent, too tired, and too old to do the job. That’s is so obvious. At a rally, demented Donnie said no questions and listened to music for 47 minutes. What a fruitcake!

    • Americans didn’t flush anything. The whole of America was robbed of their choice of president. It takes a pretty dumb c* nt to be blind to that fact. But that’s the liberal world. A bunch of dumb c*nts and their girlfriends, spreading lies and STDs everywhere. Never has there been a more disgusting, perverted group. I’m sure you’re a leader in your community of c*nts.

    • Boy, oh boy did you ever fill your head full of crap. You are one naïve moron. How the hell can anyone want four more years of this same craziness. It takes a special kind of fool to think this way.

    • Why do Democrats love poop? Is it because it smells bad? You keep referring to Trump as the orange turd, but how would you like being humiliated as a Jew turd? Not nice is it?

    • It is sad to see how mentally ill you are. Perhaps you are like rosio, Donald’s daughter and on math. I’m not sure what maybe you just love to my last children. Whatever it is, whether you’re transvestite, just could confuse gendered. Have but sex with your father, Donald Trump and I will pray that your mental illness will get cured some day

    • You all have a fixation on poop. It’s like canned speech. There’s no intelligence or individual thought. The few”facts” that you throw out there to feign some semblance of intelligence are fake facts just as you are. It appears you need a teleprompter to write a simple non-factual note. Sorry, your teleprompter is down again. Try some originality for a change and drop the “poopism” as it shows how stupid and juvenile you really are. Harris isn’t even in the same league as Trump. Her own puppet masters are embarrassed by her continual gaffes. Trump/Vance 2024.

    • 8 trillion? How about 19 trillion, Biden & Harris created the biggest debt in the history of this nation.

      Under Trump inflation never went over 3% and actually dropped to 1%. Under B&H, the inflation hasn’t dropped below 3% and went to 7% their second year.

      History teaches those that want to know, that this country had no income tax until 1913. How you may ask, Tariffs. It’s also incentive to create, and produce domestically, lowering inflation. Which in turn create jobs, that feed and cloth even the historically, and political ignorant.
      Politicians are not businessmen, they hire those, but running a government isn’t just talk, it’s a business.

      I won’t dignify your ridiculous insults, except by saying that somehow he’s communicating enough for people to twist what he says. But at least we all know Harris thinks she came from a middle class family. That’s the lie we hear every time a real question is asked. Listens to music, might be preferable to listening to word salad.

      If she was capable of changing any of this (she was part of the cause) why wait. Why are there millions of illegals in this country, thousands of which are convicted criminals and yes convicted murderers.

      If Trump listens to music, create tariffs, is senile, and gives tax breaks to squirrels, he got more accomplished and will then your hero’s. Especially the one who earned most of her political career on her back.

      You apparently don’t know her history, or are a really bad judge of character. Stop listening to paid talking heads and do some research. There is probably people less qualified than Harris, but you would need to search hard to dig them up.

      Suggestion; the next time you want to talk politics, do your homework. Parroting lies, rumors, and unproven conspiracies, is not the way to have a serious talk.

    • What less to expect from globalist puppet, god worshiping, demonrat voters that can’t accept the one gender they are born and no matter how much globalist koolaid they drink and no matter how many globalist pills they eat and no matter how many globalist surgeries they have performed, will always remain the one gender they are born .

    • WOW
      REALLY !
      THANKS for your very Intelligent !! comment!
      BUT if you are a REPUBLICAN ?? We all just PRAY that you will VOTE for KAMALA who WILL Grow AMERICA!
      AND Save us ALL from another term of The TRUMP ASS

    • Man, you are THE fruit cake. Obviously, you listen and watch democrat talking points without getting off you butt and doing any real research. Tariffs Trump put on in his first administration brought businesses that are supposed to be American BACK to the USA. Bidens weak, bullshit policies put everything right back out. Ask a few of the folks that lost their jobs because companies are shipping those jobs outside the US.

  2. Hay Sam, you are so far out of touch, Do you have any idea how far Biden and Harris have put the US in Dept. Then you said economics , Democrats have manged to raise the prices on everything. Paying more for gas more for food, more for cars, just a total mess. The worst President in History is Biden, just look at the Polls. The fruitcake is you buddy, you just do not know what is going on in this Country.

    • Good luck with any common sense. What kind of fool thinks that Trump or Biden were telling companies what they could charge for their products? Another brainwashed Maga-moron!

  3. Demonrats are afraid of TRUMP and that is good enough for me TRUMP I voted for down with the demonrats throw them all in jail for Jan 6 free speech attack on republicans creating falsely arresting jan 6 political prisoners

  4. This is no surprise that the child of a lesbian would treat her children like this,That is why they support ABORTIONA OVER LIFE.Thank Goodness for dildos.

  5. Hey to you loons Kamala will fix everything. She is going to make marijuana legal. I say well that’s great. Whoever gets in office food stamps and welfare is coming to an end. Our government can`t pay the interest on the money borrowed. Imagine after smoking dope there isn`t a food stamp buck in the house. You lazy ?hitheads will die of the munchies. HA-HA-HA.

  6. This isn’t about Trump or Harris. This is about someone who should have been focused on her child instead if hating Trump. She is obsessed to the point of ignoring her child. So sad.


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