Rosie O’Donnell ‘On Verge Of Pills’ Because Trump Might WIN 2024 Election



The TDS has aged her by decades

Mark Halperin had a great comment the other day that if Trump wins, we will see the greatest mental breakdown of any group in history.


  1. Fat hog Rosie has been on the verge of a mental breakdown for the last 25 years. I hope she’ll completely lose it then be stuffed in some insane asylum wearing a strait jacket living in an un-padded cell.

  2. Rosie is a thing of the past folks. Like Hillary and Pelosi and Obama they just keep showing up. Just cannot give up the life they once knew

  3. Just think…scum like Obama, Hillary, Pelosi, Biden..are calling regular Americans deplorables and garbage..that is like the old saying..”the pot calling the kettle black “

  4. We don’t agree with Rosie ok. Big pharma wants us all on something and unfortunately many have fallen in the abyss. More to be pitied than scorned.

  5. I don’t give her the time of day because just hearing her talk causes my IQ to shrink and I need what’s left in my brain just to make it in my old age

  6. Hey, if she’s on the verge of pills, that’s too bad. She’s extremely wealthy and totally out of touch with us commoners. I hope Trump wins.

  7. O’Donnell, the hags on the View and the liberal left politicians have an ignorance that only they can understand. The money must be the key factor since all of them get paid extremely well. Many people in this country need help financially but lefties are stingy, heartless people who don’t recognize people who are struggling. Lefties are selfish, corrupt liars who don’t care about anyone but themselves. So to all of them who don’t like the USA…..LEAVE!! GO FIND ANOTHER COUNTRY TO FUCK UP, WE SURE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU GO!!!!!

  8. Many wealthy idiots burped that they’d leave the country if Trump won in 2016. Unfortunately, they never left. Ruth Ginsburg burped that she’d move to Morrocco. Unfortunately, she never did.

    • But at least Ruth died. One less Marxist in this country. Too bad the rest don’t follow her lead. Maybe, there’ll be mass suicides on Nov.6 after Trump wins.

    • Fortunately it wasn’t necessary to leave the country since after seeing Trump’s first term incompetence, intelligent voters quickly flushed the orange turd at the first opportunity they had. What a total loser he turned out to be.

  9. Dear Rosie, lose about 200 lbs., get a makeover and a woman’s hairdo before you swallow that whole bottle of pain killers or the coroner will mistakenly send you to a taxidermist.

  10. Yes Rosie, just go away, but it’s too bad about Trump’s dementia. He barely makes any sense anymore. At least he stopped babbling about Hannibal Lechter, snakes, sharks & boat batteries, whales & windmills, nuking hurricanes and wet rain, but on FOX he said “there won’t be any cows if Harris is elected.” Poor senile fool needs a padded cell where he can mumble to himself. What an embarrassment to be running for president! Hopefully the GOP can find a decent leader after voters flush the orange turd again instead of this crazy ranting lunatic.

    • I think if you’re going to refuse to educate yourself regarding what the Dems are jamming down your throat that it’s prob better if you don’t post.. You sound foolish !! Why do people like you accept the gaslighting people like Harris spew.. Why don’t you investigate the Dem claims.. Look around.. You’re being scammed.. By the way.. how did you like the photo opp by Harris where they staged a plane filled to the brim with supplies supposedly going to help the hurricane victims that never left the hanger.. Nice !! So typical of Dems turning their backs on citizens in need.. Shameful!!


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