Robert De Niro’s New Movie Bombs Harder Than Snow White



De Niro did a ‘mob hit’ on his own career.

If Deniro is in the movie, I don’t watch it.


  1. I won’t even waste my time watching Robbie’s old movies on late night TV. Why would I waste time and money going to a theater to watch a stupid actor.

  2. Actors: “Parrot” words written for them by other stupes for a living, and I am supposed to think they are smart??
    I don’t remember any Conservative actors slobbering, “f-Biden!!” when the beach bum was stinking up the Wipe House.

  3. Who is stupid enough to star a total American hater like washed up Niro in any movie unless it is a movie about stupid, big mouthed, lying, has been democrat traitors. Even in that kind of movie he would fail. What a joke.

  4. Very stupid ego driven Actor. He thought everyone loved him because , at one time, he played popular Mob roles and such. But we found out his true mean vindictive attitude willing to destroy another person with lies and over dramatic (actor) behavior.

  5. Robert Who??? This relic should realize that you don’t shit where you eat, or you end up eating shit. NEVER mix your job and politics, and in today’s horrible atmosphere you can’t even state your opinion in front of friends, or you are banned from the Mean girls table, and they won’t talk to you because you “fell out of lockstep” Sad that we have become so thin-skinned, angry, and tribal that we throw away 20-50 years of comradery for anger, hatred and loss of community.. The interlopers who fostered Russia, Russia, Russia, etc have served our adversaries well. They have cracked our foundation at its base. America as a unified country.

  6. These people are actors, a mascaraed, wearing costumes, makeup, reading lines written by someone else, portraying someone else, they are not real.

    Eventually they begin to believe they are somebody, rather than that character from a play.


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