RFK Jr. VICTORY: FDA Announces BAN on ‘Red Dye 3’ as Cancer Risks REVEALED | ‘RFK Was Right – MAHA’



Why give them over two years to remove it? Give them 6 months at most!

Red 3 is a very small amount of the dye used in America. If they ban red 40, that would actually be a big deal.


  1. Does anyone else wonder why the FDA is only now banning this stuff? IF, and that is a big if, the FDA was ever actually doing the job we pay taxes for why did this dye get used in the first place?

    I really want to know why we have all these government departments that never really have our best interests in mind. Fauci is the icon for this fraud of government helping us. Fauci is famous for having said that a pandemic would be worth the risk for the knowledge learned by the covid gain of function program while claiming the covid virus was of natural origin. Fauci ran the program and likely released the virus while lying to all of us including the president about the origin of the virus.

    I honestly belief we need to shut down most government departments and start over with new laws requiring the government employees to be honest.

    • Good post ! Fauci should be prosecuted . He was a key player in the Covid debacle. Government bureaucracies need to be taken apart piece by piece. The bureaucrats should be held accountable, and I mean REALLY held accountable. Upper level bureaucrats should have limited terms…yes LIMITED terms. If not, they become more powerful than the people. That’s not right and that’s not smart. Clearing the SWAMP is ore than getting rid of the rot, it’s also making sure than the rot never returns.

  2. Ban this, ban that. It begs the question, why haven’t the Covid clot shots been banned? Why are they still being pushed on TV?

    • Money buys exposure in the mainstream media. The pharmaceutical companies have the money. The best defense we have now are voices like yours which remind us that all is not well with the way we communicate information to the public. Americans need to wake up to the fact that the Corporate Press, the Liberal Swamp and self serving politicians are working for themselves, not for us. If we keep that in mind we have a chance. Continue to speak up. You are being heard !

  3. Robert Kennedy and Donald Trump seem to be off to a good start. The FDA has long been known to be under the thumb of the pharmaceutical and food industries. They lobby with promises of big donations. Now, if we can do the same with the lobbyists of the drug cartels – yes, they have lobbyists as well – maybe we can help America get back on its feet. For too long the Liberal Press and the Liberal members of Congress and the Liberal bureaucrats have sold us out for the proverbial pieces of silver. To be sure, the “ Evil Doers” will not give up easily. There’s a lot of money and power at stake. We know the mainstream Press is a mess ( CNN, NBC, NYTimes, etc.) and that the Liberal Swamp will try and convince us that they are doing all they can. In reality, they are preparing for a political “counter attack” on the Make American Great movement so they can regain their power and perks. Be prepared. They are coming back like a malignant cancer. Be prepared,

  4. Once again all of the leftists BS and screaming comes down to the left being wrong and the guy on the right being correct.

    It happens every single time. You would think the leftists would grow up and realize they are just plain wrong. instead the do everything to block the truth from coming out.


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