Agreed with you one hundred percent! All the commiefornians whine and cry, but they continue to re-elect this garbage from their state! So I say let them suffer
not one socialist should be around after the next 4 years. IF there is one left, we will have failed at our mission to provide a safe country for our children.
Shifty shit is an example why California is burning down and inflation for California In the roof and California must love it they keep voting him in
Agreed with you one hundred percent! All the commiefornians whine and cry, but they continue to re-elect this garbage from their state! So I say let them suffer
Excellent, my thoughts exactly!
Cookyfornicaters are going to lose their new senator. He is going to jail, become a toy for an entire cell block.
!,000,000 thumbs up.
Crispyfornia loves to elect losers and then watch their homes, cars and lives go up in smoke.
Until Pencil neck is erased, there won’t be any revenge.
not one socialist should be around after the next 4 years. IF there is one left, we will have failed at our mission to provide a safe country for our children.