Ratchet Congresswoman Gets BIG MAD During Hearing About Ending DEI



Offended by everything. Ashamed by nothing. Entitled to everything. Offering little to nothing

She’s arguing that blacks shouldn’t have left Africa. I fully support her going back.


  1. Joyless Reid and the idiot black congress bitch talk big shit and no NOTHING of history. The people that drug blacks away from their African homes were NORTH African Islamic Arabs who came south and gathered blacks for the purpose of selling them into slavery. There were also times when African BLACK tribes went to war against another tribe and the conquerors would sell the survivors into slavery. After the American Civil War, former slaves were offered a FREE ship ride back to Africa paid by the U.S. government. Many former slaves CHOSE to stay here, but others took up the offer and went back to Africa and started the country of Liberia. Ever notice their flag is similar to the American flag? Then, during the 1960s many American blacks decided to go back to the “Motherland” (Africa) and stay. Within 2 years over 90% came back because they were disillusioned with the “Motherland.” But if those two idiots want to go back to Africa, have at it! But do us all a favor, buy one-way tickets.

  2. Open a history book lady. Africa enslaved their own people way before the Europeans showed up and paid for them with guns, food, and textiles. Many died fighting a war to end slavery in America. It’s all about how you raise your children, it should not about the color of your skin.

  3. My great grandpa was sold to a farmer he was white male and I was not around during slavery and I hate blacks racist dei hire congress woman crying blacks are to stupid to work thier way into college or create a business all men are created equal according to what I read and I have met many black men smarter then me


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