President Trump ROASTS Biden To His Face in EPIC Inauguration Speech | Mass Deportations, J6 PARDON



BIden and Harris NOW get the F Out of here.

Trump’s inaugural speech put Biden, Harris, and Obama on trial in front of the world…… Priceless!


  1. Biden should be forced to repay all the border wall that he Illegally sold
    On his watch. This was disgraceful and despicable.
    His unprecedented pardons are unconstitutional and should be revoked and fines and prison sentences reinstated.

  2. Honestly, did anyone expect anything less from the most evil man that stained the Blight House. Buckle up America, the treasonous left is digging in for a continuing attack on America. I don’t believe they know what decency is. America, continue to pray ask God to bless our country and protect Trump, as our generations that follow face a constant battle against evil.

  3. The world saw yesterday just how evil these career politicians are. I have never been so disappointed with the Bush’s. George Bush and Laura don’t even look like themselves – where did all that religion go? I admired him, but that sure has changed. We knew how crooked Joe, Jill and Harris were. Michelle Obama wasn’t attending because of being FAKE. That’s rich. President Trump took the game to them face to face. I know J. Biden shit in his pants and Harris pissed all over herself. THIS IS THE REAL REASON THESE SO CALLED POLITICIANS HATE TRUMP. HE PROVES JUST HOW IGNORANT THEY ARE. HE HAS DESTROYED THEIR PLAY DAY.

  4. What a great speech……and the fact that Biden and Harris had to sit there in plain view, seething in hatred and shame, made it even better. That is, if senile Joe even realized what was happening.

  5. Joe and Jill went to Capitol Hill
    Hoping to get even more rich.
    Money they got,
    But they somehow forgot,
    That Karma can be a real bitch.

  6. Terrific inauguration speech to all America and the Marxist lefties. If those 2 idiots over his left shoulder thought he was going to mention or laud them for their service to our Nation over the past 4 yrs they were UNPLEASANTLY brought back to reality. Watching J & K reactions, reflected a good old faction scolding. What a “Take Down”! Loved it.

  7. I FEEL so sad that our beautiful country is loaded with hateful people and hypercritical, no sense of gratitude for others who have contributed to the welfare of their families. NO WONDER, we are surrounded with live fires going on to remind us that there is hell for people with UNCHRISTIAN VALUES AND NO SENSE of even a simple act of gratitude for people who have contributed to the benefits they have earned from these hard working people who set standards. I WONDER what kinds of parents we have, may be the number of criminals will increase because of parents or older adults show no compassion and sense of gratitude they have benefited from the hard work of law abiding citizens. We love people who are financially endowed even if they have a history of rape, shower us with lies and who are so narcissistic that they do not possess the love of neighbor. We will not realize how evil we are until death when our spirits are consumed by the fires of hell. PRAYING that I CAN save a single soul and my reminder will penetrate the evil minded people who cannot hold their dirty and evil comments. What comes out in the press are deeply embedded in their brain cells like cancer cells that spread in their brains.

  8. January 20, 2021. Was Americas second day of infamy after the Marxist/dems. Stole the election from president trump. What they have done against our republic and us as Americans is nothing short of diabolical. Many innocent lives have been lost because of Biden Harris nightmare. Vengeance is mine saith the lord.

  9. Listen to the corrupt Democrats cry! Shumer,Shift,Polis. It’s hilarious!Biden pardons his corrupt family,Focui who should be in prison! He is responsible for millions of peoples deaths. My grandson is one of them. The most corrupt regime in American history!


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