Pocahontas Screams and Shakes over Elon Musk Cutting Federal Waste



She’s scared of what Elon is going to find!

She needs to be investigated


  1. These people are scared to death. I’ve never seen so many liberals whining and sniveling about their waste fraud and abuse of taxpayers’ money. You know that the defecation is going to hit the oscillator soon and corruption will be exposed.

  2. This woman is another example of why we should carefully vet all people seeking an office in government.The reason that she and the rest of those protesting the investigation of fraud by Elon Musk is that they are afraid of what he will uncover and “We The People” will hold them accountable

  3. The Government is the Enemy, and government employees and contractors are vampires, sucking the life out of America. 99% of government employees and contractors are worthless, unskilled, lazy, greedy, disrespectful and deceitful. No more government. It’s all abuse and misuse of power.

    • Our early citizens realized this. There was a very healthy distrust of government overreach, and they managed to keep it in check for quite some time. All of that changed drastically during the 20th century when our corrupt government managed to convince Americans that its power was vital to maintaining our freedom. Unfortunately, the more comfortable and soft people become, the less likely they are to notice or offer any resistance to that which subtly robs them of their actual freedom.

  4. Pocahontas needs to be investigated, Elon is getting close to her gravy train, and she loosing her marbles, about it. She loves to whine a lot, but she is is example of Senators getting paid to play, Big Pharma $1,2400,000, there all a bunch of crooks, if she is squawking Elon is getting close to something.

    • She’s become an unhinged lunatic since her corrupt party lost control – her true colors are now on display for all to see. Is this the kind of scum that should be serving the people?

  5. A key sign that someone is losing an argument is when they starting yelling, screaming and calling you names. That is proof that they have nothing solid to counter your argument. The corrupt Democrats look like a bunch of spoiled kids that got told ‘No’ and are throwing temper tantrums.

    • That’s exactly right, and we can expect them to carry on this way for the foreseeable future. Just like spoiled brats, they’re trying to wear the rest of us down with their tantrums so that we’ll just give in out of exhaustion. It’s time to teach these disgusting, immature people a lesson – let them scream until they themselves drop from exhaustion. Then they MIGHT learn something – although at this stage it’s probably too late for most. The adults have finally regained control, and the children aren’t liking it. Too f-ing bad.

  6. If it’s making Democrats this unhappy, we know we’re on the right track. And that group of youngsters working for Elon that Dems are going ballistic about–well, do a little research on them. They’re BRILLIANT, and that’s the kind of folks we need to clean this mess up.

    • You definitely are right about Musk’s computer geeks. They are computer wizards at the absolute top of their game. Watch which politicians scream about which agency is being audited and you will know where they are getting their payments from. For Shifty Shiff, it’s the USAID. For Mad Maxine, it’s the Dept. of Education and UFPD. For Fauxcahontas, it’s the Treasury. Watch for others, they are coming…

  7. Nah, that’s Bernie Sanders in drag! I’d recognize that scrawny hand and finger pointings, raspy weird voice and frothing at the mouth.

  8. Now quote what she actually said, which is truth: “This is a fight between the millions of hardworking people who just don’t want to get cheated, and a handful of billionaires like Elon Musk who want the chance to cheat them.”
    The CFPB is one of the more obviously-beneficial offices of the federal gov’t; it is designed (and actually works pretty well) to protect individual small investments. Do you want your bank to protect your retirement investments? Support Sen. Warren and the CFPB.
    This newsletter is written by shills supporting an oligarch takeover which could make 1929’s losses look like a neighborhood bridge game.


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