Outraged Parent Confronts Teacher Who Punished Trump Voting Kids in Mock Election



This is sooo wrong on every level!!! This guy is no teacher—get rid of him!!

Back in 2008, my daughter was shamed for not voting for Obama in their mock election. She was 8 years old at the time, brought to tears and shamed in front of the class


  1. This person has no common sense. If you have a beef with someone. The right way to address that, is talk between yourselves. Its not anyone else’s business. Society today has to many people pointing fingers. Jesus said, “ All those that have no sin, be the first to cast the stone.” The non believer will be judged. According to God. All will be. Shaming kids is just so wrong. That is how not to handle a situation. The kid is there to be taught reading, writing, Social Studies, Geology, Math, etc. The other nonsense is why the public schools need to be overhauled. Some public colleges need the same. Violence is stupid and weak. What are you doing to make the world better? This guy, and others, should be counseled. If he continues this nonsense, I would fire him. If the subject of who should be President. In my opinion, the response should be. Who you vote for is your business. Look at the candidates good and bad before voting. Do not trust the Mainstream Media. Then drop it.

  2. This is how mind control is furthered. This is how brainwashing and disinformation is allowed to flower and grow. These techniques used by those “in control” need to be exposed more often so that those who go along with the programming can be freed as well. Those who are different and have a more open mind need to be supported.

  3. A few years ago Mr granddaughter went to a public school in mason ohio. She told me the teachers don’t teach them anything but to hate their own country. She is now homeschooled


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