Real men don’t ware dresses or go out with men that do and we don’t need to brag that we’re real men you can tell how we walk and we don’t blame others for our problems we take our to arms and legs and go fix our problems
Forget silly gossip. The main thing to remember is what an awful job Trump did at trying to play president. He promised to balance the budget, but the incompetent buffoon instead added $8 TRILLION dollars of new debt to the deficit. He also promised to eliminate ISIS, a new healthcare plan, Mexico wall money, etc. All total lies and bullshit! No wonder Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies. Any decent candidate could have beaten Biden, right? Trump has always been a total loser.
That ABC host that “interviewed JD Vance , appears to have been resurrected from a cryogenics lab that went bankrupt.
I bet their pictures are hanging in gay bars all over the country.
Real men don’t ware dresses or go out with men that do and we don’t need to brag that we’re real men you can tell how we walk and we don’t blame others for our problems we take our to arms and legs and go fix our problems
Forget silly gossip. The main thing to remember is what an awful job Trump did at trying to play president. He promised to balance the budget, but the incompetent buffoon instead added $8 TRILLION dollars of new debt to the deficit. He also promised to eliminate ISIS, a new healthcare plan, Mexico wall money, etc. All total lies and bullshit! No wonder Biden flushed the orange turd without even campaigning or holding rallies. Any decent candidate could have beaten Biden, right? Trump has always been a total loser.