Obama BARKS At Black Voters, DEMANDS that ‘BROTHAS’ Support Kamala in Hateful Racist Rant | PANIC



The American people have had enough of Obama, Biden, Clinton and Kamala!! Trump 2024

He’s straight evil. What he did to this county is unforgivable. Scumbag


  1. Obuthead, u just doomed comrade chameleon scamula marxist harris and her very few male loving bllack men. The american people are fed up with dumbocraps, especially obamas and their racist-hating, pathetic, sickness, of TDS that has warped their minds. Keep your nose in everything, because every time u do, we win in a landslide, keep up the great work, barry and mikey, we love the help. lol

  2. Trump has already lost the black vote, the women’s vote and all intelligent men’s vote. Guess they just have to keep flushing the orange turd.

  3. Trump’s term was so bad that he added $8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt, and had to waste a couple trillion on stimulus payments to stop businesses from going bankrupt. How is that “the best years?” LOL!! The clueless buffoon was total incompetent and ignorant about economics and foreign affairs. That’s why demented Donnie was rated worst president in history.

  4. Donald Trump was the greatest President in my lifetime. A businessman that decided to go into politics and see if he could make this country great again. Already very successful he needed nothing more than to stop what was happening to our government. Obama wanted Change but Americans never thought it was opening our borders to all who wanted to invade this country. Bringing more crime, murders, and danger to every city in America. ruining our schools, overloading our hospitals, allowing drugs to pour into this country by the Mexican cartels killing our people. You’re the one that is clueless Samiel. Ask a mother that has lost her child to a illegal that has raped and murdered her.

  5. Most black men today will not vote for another 4th term for Obama. A vote for Kamala will give Obama a 4th term to finish what he started. America trusted him to be a President for the American people. Instead, he has done everything he could to enrich himself while raising our taxes. He undid everything that Trump had done to keep this country safe.
    Joe Bidon was nothing more than signing his name to whatever Obama wanted to do. He spent most of his time at the beach. Obama is an evil man full of hate for America. Now he campaigns for Kamala so he can have another term to finish what he started. Send hm back to Kenya and elect TRUMP, VANCE 2024 and vote republicans for the senate and house I am a democrat that work up and realized what the democratic party had become and will continue to do to this country. Wake up America and stand up for your country and your family. We have evil in our government that must be voted out to save America


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