I can almost forecast another “epidemic” should Trump win, which he will. We can pre-name it TDSitis. You know the deranged far leftists will not let Trump govern in peace.
Why is has been Obama (BO) involved in any way in our election does he fancy himself and someone people respect or listen to ?
they do not hes condescending offensive telling Black men who to vote for as though he owned them Plus I see hes on the Diddy dirty Diddy list of big shits caught doing criminal stuff at the dirty Diddy parties drugging girls boys raping them videotaped also as proof so that dirty Did could blackmail them all Biden OPRAH the little greedy arrogant porker prince Harry Beyonce J lo or as they called her BJ low Usher all of these people are constantly in the headlines on tv THAT IS GONNA END THEY ARE GOIN DOWN TO THE GROUND ONCE DID SINGS INCLUDING DIRTY OBAMA AND MR MIKE HIS MAN
Yes, TDS: Trump Devotion Syndrome is a serious issue that the maga-morons are suffering from. They just swallow all the bullshit Trump feeds them. Never heard of fact-checks?
He’s full of it! You are not God, and if this play book exist why did biden tell get the vaccine during a hurricane. And where were you, certainly not stepping in like you are now! Your 8 years are done, go and retire.
Did you read the American Liberty Report article about Obama? He apparently oversees the ballot harvesting for the Dems elections. This man is a danger to democracy. They all lie and Trump saved lives during COVID. What did Obama know and when did he know it came out of a lab. This was a money making scam to weed out world population.
Nope, Oboob needs to go to a Muslim country with his fag fake wife and see how they’d fare there. Bet he tries to learn how to fly after they throw him and his fag off a 10-story building.
They made the pandemic, even Fauci said Trump was going to have a pandemic and wouldn’t know what to do, so it was made to ruin Trump even though it killed millions all over the world. They killed your family to get back at Trump, why can’t you people see that?
They collaborated on the Chinese Offensive Virus ID19 with Fauci as the interface, ALL just to torpedo Trump. The Dems needed it, the Chinese wanted it.
Diabolical doesn’t begin to describe these demons from Hell.
During a pandemic ignore demonrats and everything they say it is just shit coming out of his pervert mind those who didn’t lock down had no pandemic and the pandemic came from the illegals criminals immigrants
I hate that SOB with a passion. He caused the housing crash, and the bullshit medical issues this country has. Your play book consisted of how many positions you could put your ass in while taking up it.
About Dumbo ears….the guy that never was….He has damaged
this country with the demo’s cheering him on to continue on
in the American politics and screw everything up. When the truth
is revealed ….I think it’s like what another 35 years or so it will
go down as the biggest you know what of all time, I think he put
a 50 year wait before his history or anything will be revealed to
the public…….convenient? Harris is trying anything possible with
all these celeb’s to get her in…they do not live on the same level
as normal Americans…..so thats supposed to get her over the
finish line…..I’m sure they will stand by her when she tanks : (
but it won’t help the millions of Americans that need it….
Yes, it sure doesn’t take much of an opponent to flush the orange turd. Biden did it without even campaigning or holding rallies. Why wouldn’t the GOP run a candidate that voters respect, instead of a senile incompetent loser like Trump?
Number one problem for traitor Trump is that he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. That’s what Commie dictators do. Most countries have the death sentence for treason. Also, trying to control what women do with their bodies has lost him millions of votes.
I’m a Republican in a red state who is voting for Harris. I’ve been watching the polls and I’m very concerned!! I don’t want the pro-Harris (anti-MAGA) people be caught in an echo chamber and think that everything is okay. As a Republican, this needs to be massive Blue tsunami to get rid of this cancer that has infested my party. I don’t agree with everything that the Democrats stand for, but I will gladly stand by them to support our Constitution and democracy.
Harris is an Islamist Marxist.
They want to destroy all our Country stands for. Destroy the Constitution pack the courts with left wing Traitors Remove the Filibuster. You are wrong these are very bad people. Destroying our Country in the past 4 years Biden & Harris. Then 8 with Satan lover Obama & his husband!
In 2012, the NIH authorized the US Army to release (give) 7 viruses to a Chinese doctor from Wuhan Lab. The CDC and NIH gave the doctor paperwork to board a plane to China after he found he could not without proper paperwork. The Army had to contact NIH for paperwork to request the CDC’s paperwork, and the doctor rented a car and drove to Atlanta to get the CDC paperwork, while carrying weaponized viruses across multiple states. He then boarded a plane from Atlanta to China.
Does this, along with Obama’s statements about the pandemic, suggest there was intention by the Obama Administration to anticipate, or instigate, a planned pandemic? Then also there is Bill Gate’s 2016 patent for mRNA, used in both the viruses and vaccination, which is from Moderna’s research, but issued in Bill Gate’s name.
The US Army, after first making (weaponizing) the viruses so they could infect humans, SARS-CoV-2, Monkeypox, H5N1 Bird Flu, HIV, and 2 more (I believe Ebola or EColi), using DNA profiles collected during the HGP (Human Genome Project), and then teaching the Wuhan doctor how to weaponize these viruses, gives them to the country most likely to want to use them on the US population as a military application.
Who gives deadly viruses to a country that is their biggest threat when the research is a military application? Answer, someone who expects them to be used.
Would NIH give weaponized viruses to China without Obama’s permission? How did they decide to pick a lab in China to receive weaponized viruses? Until the Obama Administration, we did not allow companies to sell direct to China, so why 3 years later are we sharing weaponized (mRNA enhanced) viruses with a lab that conducted research for the Chinese Military?
The HGP and HGDP projects were paid for by the budgets of NIH, DOE, and DOD. Hundreds of millions of dollars annually for HGP and HGDP projects from 1990 – 2002 and 2003 – 2012 (I believe), respectively. The goals of HGP included the list of the 7 viruses and to determine military applications.
HGDP Project was to track the migration of black idigenous people across the world to the US, based on the DNA collected from the HGP Project. The conclusion to the project read that it could not be done, but it seems the project’s intention was not explicit about the objective of the research or what could not be done for which the taxpayers paid Stanford University hundreds of millions of dollars annually for 9 years. This Human Genome Diversity Project that could not prove arrival in the US through tracking the appearance of DNA profiles of black indigenous people, did not indicate why they were tracking just the migration of black indigenous people as a diversity project. I wonder at what point in the nine years of the project did they make their conclusion? It seems odd that they could not determine when black indigenous people came to the US, since the definition of indigenous is “Being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place”. This suggests there was more to the research, that the project information did not include. I would have rejected the grant request due to a lack of detailed information.
Trump isn’t a Hitler, just a wannabe dictator like Hitler or Putin or Kim Yung Un. He’s far too stupid to organize anything properly. A failed businessman with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses who has to sell Chinese trinkets to supplement his income. His present failed attempts are Trump Media, bibles, watches, trading cards, clown shoes and crypto. LOL!! If his father hadn’t left him billions of dollars of NYC real estate that soared in value, he would be just another broke-ass bitch working at McDonalds. Oops wait! They don’t hire felons convicted of sexual assault.
Trump’s state of mind has deteriorated dramatically since the start of the week, when he swayed and bopped on stage to music for 39 minutes, as if he’d temporarily forgotten that he was campaigning for president.
Trump’s weirdest moment was when he responded to a child’s question about his favorite farm animal. Trump said he loves cows. But, he added, “if we go with Kamala, we won’t have any cows anymore.”
This was met with laughter, but his face seemed to register confusion, as if to ask: why are these people laughing? So he said it again, seeming to ensure that they knew he wasn’t joking. . In Trump’s case, the issue is pretty clearly some form of dementia. The condition runs in his family. His dad died of Alzheimer’s. Trump often says he “aced” two cognitive tests, but he’s known to have dictated his medical reports to his doctors when he was president.
I can almost forecast another “epidemic” should Trump win, which he will. We can pre-name it TDSitis. You know the deranged far leftists will not let Trump govern in peace.
Very true
But we can quarantine all those leftish idiots on an old ship and send it to the middle of the ocean, then sink it.
What a wonderful idea
Send half of them (the sickest group) to the Soros family grounds and mansion and the rest to them to the Clinton compound.
I wonder if the Dems will partner with China for TDSitis like they did on the Chinese Offensive Virus ID 19, better known as COVID19. Is Fauci around?
Why is has been Obama (BO) involved in any way in our election does he fancy himself and someone people respect or listen to ?
they do not hes condescending offensive telling Black men who to vote for as though he owned them Plus I see hes on the Diddy dirty Diddy list of big shits caught doing criminal stuff at the dirty Diddy parties drugging girls boys raping them videotaped also as proof so that dirty Did could blackmail them all Biden OPRAH the little greedy arrogant porker prince Harry Beyonce J lo or as they called her BJ low Usher all of these people are constantly in the headlines on tv THAT IS GONNA END THEY ARE GOIN DOWN TO THE GROUND ONCE DID SINGS INCLUDING DIRTY OBAMA AND MR MIKE HIS MAN
Yes, TDS: Trump Devotion Syndrome is a serious issue that the maga-morons are suffering from. They just swallow all the bullshit Trump feeds them. Never heard of fact-checks?
Unlike Leftists who listen to MSM and then fact-check on Snopes, our fact-checking is thorough and comprehensive.
I totally agree with that prediction IF “we the people” allow it …..
Be quiet BO
He’s full of it! You are not God, and if this play book exist why did biden tell get the vaccine during a hurricane. And where were you, certainly not stepping in like you are now! Your 8 years are done, go and retire.
Did you read the American Liberty Report article about Obama? He apparently oversees the ballot harvesting for the Dems elections. This man is a danger to democracy. They all lie and Trump saved lives during COVID. What did Obama know and when did he know it came out of a lab. This was a money making scam to weed out world population.
Obama needs to go back to his homeland of Kenya and see how he fares there with his racist BS
Nope, Oboob needs to go to a Muslim country with his fag fake wife and see how they’d fare there. Bet he tries to learn how to fly after they throw him and his fag off a 10-story building.
You got that right Charles. Obama aka The Kenyan Coon Go Home to KENYA
he’s such a liar !! Compare the diff between Canada and the US.. Why would this come out now.. Such a liar!!
What a pos, hypocrite obuthead. Playbnook ya right, go fk your self, u lying traitor.
This pile of post digested food is LYING. Why is THIS the 1st we’re hearing of it?!
They made the pandemic, even Fauci said Trump was going to have a pandemic and wouldn’t know what to do, so it was made to ruin Trump even though it killed millions all over the world. They killed your family to get back at Trump, why can’t you people see that?
They collaborated on the Chinese Offensive Virus ID19 with Fauci as the interface, ALL just to torpedo Trump. The Dems needed it, the Chinese wanted it.
Diabolical doesn’t begin to describe these demons from Hell.
During a pandemic ignore demonrats and everything they say it is just shit coming out of his pervert mind those who didn’t lock down had no pandemic and the pandemic came from the illegals criminals immigrants
I hate that SOB with a passion. He caused the housing crash, and the bullshit medical issues this country has. Your play book consisted of how many positions you could put your ass in while taking up it.
The pandemic is controlled by the states. Besides the deaths were all after the JABS
Bammy’s audience is as stupidly arrogant as he is.
He TOTALLY misrepresents EVERYTHING he talks about. AND THEY BUY IT!
He is the spawn of Satan, along with his minions O’Biden and O’Harris.
About Dumbo ears….the guy that never was….He has damaged
this country with the demo’s cheering him on to continue on
in the American politics and screw everything up. When the truth
is revealed ….I think it’s like what another 35 years or so it will
go down as the biggest you know what of all time, I think he put
a 50 year wait before his history or anything will be revealed to
the public…….convenient? Harris is trying anything possible with
all these celeb’s to get her in…they do not live on the same level
as normal Americans…..so thats supposed to get her over the
finish line…..I’m sure they will stand by her when she tanks : (
but it won’t help the millions of Americans that need it….
just looking at him makes me toss my cookies
What BS! Apparently he never told Joe and Kamala about this fantasy Play Book either! Grasping for air! He’s about to Loose his 4th Term! What a piece of đź’©. How come this is the Very 1st time Anyone is telling this story? MSM ? NY Times? Funny he’s had an Epiphany Mow!
Yes, it sure doesn’t take much of an opponent to flush the orange turd. Biden did it without even campaigning or holding rallies. Why wouldn’t the GOP run a candidate that voters respect, instead of a senile incompetent loser like Trump?
Number one problem for traitor Trump is that he tried to overturn the election and the will of the people. That’s what Commie dictators do. Most countries have the death sentence for treason. Also, trying to control what women do with their bodies has lost him millions of votes.
Your stupid. The election was Stolen lots of video proof.
Our country is taken over by Demoncrats Satanic.
Obumer is the leader to destroy our Beautiful nation. Trump was a good President. You need to wake up and see the truth
I’m a Republican in a red state who is voting for Harris. I’ve been watching the polls and I’m very concerned!! I don’t want the pro-Harris (anti-MAGA) people be caught in an echo chamber and think that everything is okay. As a Republican, this needs to be massive Blue tsunami to get rid of this cancer that has infested my party. I don’t agree with everything that the Democrats stand for, but I will gladly stand by them to support our Constitution and democracy.
Harris is an Islamist Marxist.
They want to destroy all our Country stands for. Destroy the Constitution pack the courts with left wing Traitors Remove the Filibuster. You are wrong these are very bad people. Destroying our Country in the past 4 years Biden & Harris. Then 8 with Satan lover Obama & his husband!
To save our Country you must Vote
TRUMP 2024
Or they’re won’t be a country left
In 2012, the NIH authorized the US Army to release (give) 7 viruses to a Chinese doctor from Wuhan Lab. The CDC and NIH gave the doctor paperwork to board a plane to China after he found he could not without proper paperwork. The Army had to contact NIH for paperwork to request the CDC’s paperwork, and the doctor rented a car and drove to Atlanta to get the CDC paperwork, while carrying weaponized viruses across multiple states. He then boarded a plane from Atlanta to China.
Does this, along with Obama’s statements about the pandemic, suggest there was intention by the Obama Administration to anticipate, or instigate, a planned pandemic? Then also there is Bill Gate’s 2016 patent for mRNA, used in both the viruses and vaccination, which is from Moderna’s research, but issued in Bill Gate’s name.
The US Army, after first making (weaponizing) the viruses so they could infect humans, SARS-CoV-2, Monkeypox, H5N1 Bird Flu, HIV, and 2 more (I believe Ebola or EColi), using DNA profiles collected during the HGP (Human Genome Project), and then teaching the Wuhan doctor how to weaponize these viruses, gives them to the country most likely to want to use them on the US population as a military application.
Who gives deadly viruses to a country that is their biggest threat when the research is a military application? Answer, someone who expects them to be used.
Would NIH give weaponized viruses to China without Obama’s permission? How did they decide to pick a lab in China to receive weaponized viruses? Until the Obama Administration, we did not allow companies to sell direct to China, so why 3 years later are we sharing weaponized (mRNA enhanced) viruses with a lab that conducted research for the Chinese Military?
The HGP and HGDP projects were paid for by the budgets of NIH, DOE, and DOD. Hundreds of millions of dollars annually for HGP and HGDP projects from 1990 – 2002 and 2003 – 2012 (I believe), respectively. The goals of HGP included the list of the 7 viruses and to determine military applications.
HGDP Project was to track the migration of black idigenous people across the world to the US, based on the DNA collected from the HGP Project. The conclusion to the project read that it could not be done, but it seems the project’s intention was not explicit about the objective of the research or what could not be done for which the taxpayers paid Stanford University hundreds of millions of dollars annually for 9 years. This Human Genome Diversity Project that could not prove arrival in the US through tracking the appearance of DNA profiles of black indigenous people, did not indicate why they were tracking just the migration of black indigenous people as a diversity project. I wonder at what point in the nine years of the project did they make their conclusion? It seems odd that they could not determine when black indigenous people came to the US, since the definition of indigenous is “Being a member of the original inhabitants of a particular place”. This suggests there was more to the research, that the project information did not include. I would have rejected the grant request due to a lack of detailed information.
WOW! That’s a lot of crazy conspiracy theories. You might be more of a lunatic than Trump.
Obama & all the Hollywood crowd makes me like voting for President Trump all the more.
Amen 🙏🏻
Trump isn’t a Hitler, just a wannabe dictator like Hitler or Putin or Kim Yung Un. He’s far too stupid to organize anything properly. A failed businessman with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses who has to sell Chinese trinkets to supplement his income. His present failed attempts are Trump Media, bibles, watches, trading cards, clown shoes and crypto. LOL!! If his father hadn’t left him billions of dollars of NYC real estate that soared in value, he would be just another broke-ass bitch working at McDonalds. Oops wait! They don’t hire felons convicted of sexual assault.
I always wonder why Trump and Vance wear more make-up than Harris. Anyone?
Trump’s state of mind has deteriorated dramatically since the start of the week, when he swayed and bopped on stage to music for 39 minutes, as if he’d temporarily forgotten that he was campaigning for president.
Trump’s weirdest moment was when he responded to a child’s question about his favorite farm animal. Trump said he loves cows. But, he added, “if we go with Kamala, we won’t have any cows anymore.”
This was met with laughter, but his face seemed to register confusion, as if to ask: why are these people laughing? So he said it again, seeming to ensure that they knew he wasn’t joking. . In Trump’s case, the issue is pretty clearly some form of dementia. The condition runs in his family. His dad died of Alzheimer’s. Trump often says he “aced” two cognitive tests, but he’s known to have dictated his medical reports to his doctors when he was president.