This corrupt Judge and his crooked daughter are not permitted by laws to work together involving money! Our Supreme Court should be able to give him disbarment! Then 20 years in prison with hard labor! We want OUR COUNTRY BACK!
I agree, 30 years for him, Letecia,Bragg, Fani and Nate. If they help bring down others involved in this coup d’Etat, drop it to 20. Make sure all are disbarred and can’t practice in Columbia when thy go back home.
Merchan should be exiled out of the country to some place like North Korea.
Merchan solely wants DT in prison because of political differences. Soooo obvious. What a crook!!
It is nothing but a Libraturd Kangaroo Court and a Phony Judge POC
Merchan and his Daughter should move to China, thats where they belong.
Just more of an example as to why the US JUSTICE DEPARTMENT need a good house cleaning.
I think Matt Gaetz would make a good AG but I don’t know if he will be confirmed in Congress. He would be a great educator to Merchan.
This corrupt Judge and his crooked daughter are not permitted by laws to work together involving money! Our Supreme Court should be able to give him disbarment! Then 20 years in prison with hard labor! We want OUR COUNTRY BACK!
I agree, 30 years for him, Letecia,Bragg, Fani and Nate. If they help bring down others involved in this coup d’Etat, drop it to 20. Make sure all are disbarred and can’t practice in Columbia when thy go back home.