NBC Host Tries to TRAP President TRUMP And IMMEDIATELY Regrets It



Crazyeye. I thought I was the only one that thought she looked coked up. LOL

Why he would even waste his time giving her an interview is beyond me


  1. Trump needs to realize that the entire NBC corporation, includes MSNBC and CNBC, is totally Marxist nuts with ABC and CBS aren’t far behind. CNN has already gone completely over the edge.

    • President Trump is acutely aware of the almost limitless Marxist leanings of the equally limitless arrogance of American media, with few exceptions – and perhaps far more aware than any previous Chief Executive. But his instincts and skills at handling these wholly unprofessional and sickening attacks is also without limits.

    • the yard (of sick animals) is large. There are many nut cases out there. They live to lie, murder, slander, deceive. They are socialist, they MUST die. No one is safe, IF one is left alive in Amerika. You have 4 years, do NOT waste one day….

    • Really? He will go down in History as one of the greatest PRESIDENTS. This time he will get rid of the deep swamp and the senators and representatives better get on board with him or it will be their last term!

    • You’re too stupid to see the stupidity of MSM that has you a believer of total BS. You wouldn’t know the truth if it slammed into you. Another brainwashed, indoctrinated obedient sheeple still drinking the endless supply of Kool-Aid.

    • I wish I never heard of YOUR pile of runny shit friends like the Clintons, Oboob, shitpants Joe, and Sore Throat Kamala. Since you hate Trump so badly, why don’t you move to England? You could be Ellen Degenerate’s neighbor. Your family car should be a row boat.

    • we can all see, what is leaving… the senile and the slut. The DIMs didn’t let “the people” vote for their nominee. The rich elites in Chicago did. Sound like democracy? NO (dumbasses)

  2. minimum wage is for starting a job or retirees. If you are trying to raise your family on a minimum wage job, you need to get more skills and get a better job.

  3. This arrogant asshole Kristen Welker just loves to twist the words that President Trump says. She is a horrible interviewer and commentator not getting what the true answers that are given to her she makes the answers up to suit her narrative. That’s NOT reporting and representing the true facts!! She should be fired for falsely reporting the interview! I would punch this bitch out for acting like an imbecile moron. Her brain is nothing more than a piece of shit.

  4. YES why are they not looking for the destroyed evicence What happen to the crooked FBI they helped hind that also i guess with the DOJs help

  5. you never hear the real reason why tax and spend, or should say tax and steal states like Califorinia raise minimum wages to outrageous amounts for entry level jobs,unless you went to collage with the governor (Panera Bread owner exempt) is not that they care one shit about the people working these jobs, they do it to increase tax revenue with out raising taxes, very dishonest people period


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