NBC Host STUNNED as Trump DOMINATES Interview



She is one of the worst supposed journalists. She acts more like a crooked prosecutor. What a joke.

Obama divided this country.


  1. So tired of these journalists and their liberal reviews and interrogations. Trump won the Presidency, the interviewer isn’t a candidate. She is a nobody. It would be nice to focus on good things and making this country great again.

    • typical of the socialist/communist. After a defeat, and shown the door.
      They REFUSE to leave. Why only death is the cure for them (& US). They MUST be destroyed or banished from our shores (buried at sea).

  2. …same old tired tripe about how safe and effective vaccines are from the Big Media Prostitutes serving Big Pharma’s agenda…..

  3. Yea You do have to give it to obambo the way he divided the Country and set up his own little terroir group to help bring the Country down and his sheep still follow that idea Dem show all the time that care NOTHING for this country only power

    • barry boy obama exposed us all to socialist Amerika’s problem, the lazy & unproductive. Trump exposed us to the corruption we MUST conquer & kill

  4. The Media is so far out of wack with the American People. I do not get a paper anymore, and i dont watch the News because they do not tell the Truth. Most of the News Stations have gone to the Biden school of LIES.

  5. funny, Abe Lincoln shit down newspapers for printing the truth. Now We the People can’t shut them down for lying? OH, yes we can! We just won’t……… yet. IT will get worse. How much more abuse will YOU pay for? give the socialist HALF of what you produce on April 15th. IDIOTs

  6. I like this correspondent. He gets right to the point without any histrionics and fake laughter. No ego……just good, clear reporting.

  7. This ‘journalist’ needs to learn how to ask a question, then STFU and listen to the answer. Honestly, I don’t know why conservatives put themselves through interviews with the libturd media. I suggest that all conservatives boycott all liberal media, until they start being fair about their reporting.

  8. I think Kristen Welker is no better than Whoopi, Sunny Jostin, or any other liberal media interviewer they try & try to back Trump into a corner getting him say what they want to hear, and if they can’t get their way in the interview they will make up lies and say that he said it whether he did or not. She is one of the most lying, hateful, despicable females I’ve ever seen in my life and she needs to lose her job.

  9. I am sorry, but if I was interviewed by that Libtard with those questions. I would beat her with a baseball bat, and knock some real common sense into her thick skull


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