MSMBC are Crap, Liars. They are true enemies of the American People. Al Sharpen is the most Racist person I have seen. They’re talking about what they actually did and blame President Trump. I Pray he SUE the corrupt liars. I’d like to be first to say “Good Bye” to all those that aee leaving because President Trump won this Election
Al Sharpen has always been the most Racist black man I have seen and that’s sad really. He could have easily been a great influencer to all races and all generations. Instead, he wasted his life away on deep down hatred the way Obama did!
Now, let’s blame minorities because they lost, perhaps it is because no political party has the authority to dictate to anyone whom they should vote for. The era of guiding people solely based on directives has come to an end. Trump advocates for all Americans, not just a select few.
I think he got it and did not even realize it There was NOT that type ppl in the upper middle class where he grow up Does not know a THING about the poor ppl and how they grew up like Nothing the God loving poor dont count
They lie, steal, and cheat. Their policies were a disaster. Glad the majority of people were smarter. God intervened. Evil may occasionally win a fight. The war between good and evil. Heaven and hell. Faithful and faithless. Good and bad. God and the devil. Right and wrong. Faith over fear. Strong over weak. Opposites in everything. Left and right. Up and down. Light and dark. Leader and follower. Heaven or hell. Living and dead. Repent and be Baptized then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding, otherwise you are lost and cannot enter Heaven. Man is evil. Rejects God. Thats why Jesus died. Pray in Jesus Name. Not all Religions and Darwanism are right. All think they are. Do good, not evil. Reject Socialism, Marxism, and Communism that destroy societies and freedoms. Go out and tell the world about the Great News. Body will die. Soul lives on in Heaven or hell. Don’t let the devil take your salvation.
I think it was just all your Lies MSNBC. Do you think that the American believe your lies , Bidens Lies and Harris Lies, you are so far out of wack that you can,t come back.
Dummycrat’s disease seems to be a lot like Alzheimer’s disease. Shitpants Joe has it and now it’s clear Al Sharpton has it.
Sharpton has always had it
MSMBC are Crap, Liars. They are true enemies of the American People. Al Sharpen is the most Racist person I have seen. They’re talking about what they actually did and blame President Trump. I Pray he SUE the corrupt liars. I’d like to be first to say “Good Bye” to all those that aee leaving because President Trump won this Election
Al Sharpen has always been the most Racist black man I have seen and that’s sad really. He could have easily been a great influencer to all races and all generations. Instead, he wasted his life away on deep down hatred the way Obama did!
Well, they have to find a scapegoat. It’s always someone else’s fault.
Now, let’s blame minorities because they lost, perhaps it is because no political party has the authority to dictate to anyone whom they should vote for. The era of guiding people solely based on directives has come to an end. Trump advocates for all Americans, not just a select few.
I think he got it and did not even realize it There was NOT that type ppl in the upper middle class where he grow up Does not know a THING about the poor ppl and how they grew up like Nothing the God loving poor dont count
These asses are mad because the minorities left the plantation and now they don’t control them.
Hey you two DUMBASSES !!!
They lie, steal, and cheat. Their policies were a disaster. Glad the majority of people were smarter. God intervened. Evil may occasionally win a fight. The war between good and evil. Heaven and hell. Faithful and faithless. Good and bad. God and the devil. Right and wrong. Faith over fear. Strong over weak. Opposites in everything. Left and right. Up and down. Light and dark. Leader and follower. Heaven or hell. Living and dead. Repent and be Baptized then God gives the Holy Spirit for understanding, otherwise you are lost and cannot enter Heaven. Man is evil. Rejects God. Thats why Jesus died. Pray in Jesus Name. Not all Religions and Darwanism are right. All think they are. Do good, not evil. Reject Socialism, Marxism, and Communism that destroy societies and freedoms. Go out and tell the world about the Great News. Body will die. Soul lives on in Heaven or hell. Don’t let the devil take your salvation.
Yep, them po’ black folks turned their backs on the Democrap party and voted for the orange man instead. Gee, I wonder why.
This Ass hole need’s to get his head out of his ass 500 hundred thousand people can’t be wrong.
I think it was just all your Lies MSNBC. Do you think that the American believe your lies , Bidens Lies and Harris Lies, you are so far out of wack that you can,t come back.
why are you hiding, i am talking about the guy who is making this video
I guess you are scared, wont watch this mess again