What on earth is up with (it’s) hair? Looks like three blades of a broken fan. Maybe (it) is wishing (it) was still a male. Kids are not allowed to identify as animals anymore in school so maybe (it) is trying to be a dog? LOL. Actually, (it) is a dog after what (it) and Obama did in the White House while fake Obama was a fake President. Sorry, this had to be said.
I didn’t know Mike was one of the Mouseketeers. It shows how far Disney has come since the 1950s. MORE reason to boycott Disney and the Oboobs.
It looks like her presidential candidacy may be headed for the same Dumpster as her marriage.
The “Prickly Pear Cactus” hairstyle is a disaster.
What on earth is up with (it’s) hair? Looks like three blades of a broken fan. Maybe (it) is wishing (it) was still a male. Kids are not allowed to identify as animals anymore in school so maybe (it) is trying to be a dog? LOL. Actually, (it) is a dog after what (it) and Obama did in the White House while fake Obama was a fake President. Sorry, this had to be said.
When are we going to get the TRUTH about these fakes?
straight out of africa