Michelle Obama Exposed – Shocking Leaked Video Destroys Her



Nope. Can’t stand the Obamas.

Why are the Obamas even relevant


  1. Obamas and Clintons separated this country. They called Trump HORRIBLE names and HE will bring this country together because he is fighting to build America up, not tear it down, not bankrupt, not destroy democracy like EVERY Democrat and some Republicans are doing. I am disgusted by the arrogance and hateful rhetoric that has come from this woman.

  2. In the last two videos of Michael he clearly has a receding hairline with a heavy comb over..all he ever will be is an ugly drag queen..and a liar ..I know this for a fact..I once saw a photo of him and Obama the photo had a caption that read “two dudes in love” in that photo he was clearly a man also his selective service record reads male not female.
    .it was changed when Obama ran for office ..both should be on trial for fraud and treason against the United States of America

  3. You know i always believed since 9/11 especially that we should all stand together, work together, and fight together. We’ll! Ever since the Obamas darkened the white and so forth to the crime family they ruined all that. I have so much hatred for the democrats it’s impossible now. Who ever thinks micheal Obama is classy, they are blind!!!! Melanie, now that’s class

  4. I respectfully have to disagree with the comments contained in this video. There was a time when we could all work together despite our disagreements, since we all still shared basic values. THAT TIME IS GONE. There is no way that decent people should sit and accept the kind of immorality (e.g. abortion on demand, unwillingness to enforce our laws, neglecting our own citizens in favor of foreign invaders) that the left has been shoving down our throats. This is not just a matter of superficial disagreement or minor inconvenience. This is the complete polar opposite worldview from what makes a civilized society, and lives are absolutely at stake here. The time for acceptance of this twisted philosophy is over. Passively sitting by and allowing this to continue is the same as condoning it, which is unacceptable to anyone with true decency. We are literally in a fight of good vs. evil, and as such, “can’t we just get along” is no longer a reasonable response. Evil needs to be opposed at every opportunity, and the battle will never end. Christians understand this – others, maybe not so much.

  5. Sensationalized click bait. So how does this video expose him/her and how did it destroy her? Give me a break, I’m sending these emails to spam from now on!

  6. Can anyone tell me , how a “woman” who has never had a job, be the owner of a checking account/savings account/off shore account worth $70 million dollars? THIS is corruption .
    All I can say is , IF you voted Obama for any reason , you are aiding and abetting a criminal and a Marxist homosexual.

  7. This M Obama thing is past history. Consecrate on Shieft, and other Libs. tactics of besmirch and destroy any Republican with lies and inuendo to get at Trump.

  8. The Obama’s can stand being out of the limelight. Michelle will never be more than a ghetto queen. She has no class whatever. She is so into herself. She has to convince herself she is a Diva. SHE MAKES FUN OF HER HUSBAND. WHY? HE PICKED YOU.

    • Why do you keep referring Mike is a woman? Mike makes fun of Barry because Mike knows Barry is just a fag pretending to be normal. Notice that Barry and Mike brag about how great Islam is but they won’t move to an Islamic country. Are they afraid of being thrown off a 10 story building?

  9. This race-baiting, white hating, man has TDS so bad, that she can’t keep her foul mouth shut, we know if he doesn’t get medical care for this disease, his head will explode, and he will be another laughing stock for the obutheads.


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