How is it that someone as well know for their achievement can be so mislabeled and misunderstood? Whether you talk about his cars, rockets, satellites, solar roofs, solar systems, or just business skills the guy is amazing. The fact is there are no CEO or board members of any company any where in the world that are his equal. The members of the WEF are just arrogant asses compared to musk. how does anyone really think they have the right to judge musk? you are not his equal, nor his peer.
I’d say Mikey is wrong about a lot of things.
How is it that someone as well know for their achievement can be so mislabeled and misunderstood? Whether you talk about his cars, rockets, satellites, solar roofs, solar systems, or just business skills the guy is amazing. The fact is there are no CEO or board members of any company any where in the world that are his equal. The members of the WEF are just arrogant asses compared to musk. how does anyone really think they have the right to judge musk? you are not his equal, nor his peer.