Melania Trump SUES ‘The View’ Hosts & Producer $100 MILLION After They SHOWED This LIVE ON SET



Melania should sue ABC and the view. This show is nothing but hate filled rhetoric and it needs to be canceled.

Also, it’s not like Melania did the modeling while she was First Lady; the women on “The View” makes me sick!


  1. I hope it works out that she ends up putting ABC out of business. Justice. When will these worthless people show some respect and stop running their mouths.

  2. It goes to show what a lack of class The View and other MSM shows have. Melania was a model, and damn good one that that. The woman has style and class, something The View “hostesses” lack. They all need to take a good look in the mirror. I agree they need to be cancelled, and Melania should sue the pants off them and ABC and anyone else that is maligning her.

  3. Please don’t sue the pants off who-pee gold-turd or joy-less bay-whore or cunni-Holstein. As a man, I couldn’t stomach the sights. As a Vietnam veteran, I have seen a lot, but nothing as sickening as those sights would be.

  4. The View and the disrespectful foul mouthed women on there are sad hateful wanabes , looking for fame in a foul way . I thought Disney was a family oriented corporation. I had pd. For Disney till the View got so disgusting , I cut any my my viewing of their programs , and the trash mouth women representing part of their programming. Seems to me people should stop watching this garbage and make decent shows .

  5. Yes America, we need to Boycott ABC and sue them when they go hypocritical crazy against Republicans.

    Sue them into oblivion Melania. God Bless you, teach these racist skanks a lesson

  6. Conservatives find the beauty in art and the human form, that God created. Diddycrats find pleasure in exploiting the most obnoxious, Godless forms.

  7. Millennia does look not like anything like the naked Dylan movani joy bear. These people seem to be so mentally disturbed. They have no clue. Hopefully they will be able to see in the picture. That milania does not have a Dick, something they’re not used to with the women that they. Suck their butt holes

  8. No one pays attention to these Harpies. The conservative talk shows seem to be the ones paying attention and keep them alive. Slut shaming?! Really? is that what you want for your daughter or your son to marry?

  9. And Bill Clinton, Democrat who did dirty deeds with women U.S. honored but a model like Melania is vilified? Sue ABC in to oblivion

  10. These pics ants are the most disgusting animals. I agree she should sue them out of buisness. Thier just jealous that they are fugly animals and she is absolutely geourgeous.

  11. All this attention on photos from so long ago????

    I wish President Trump was’t considering military and economic force to take over Iceland, Canada and the Panama Canal

    Joining forces and allignment would be a more harmonious way to go

  12. When you’re talking about Michael’s arms, that’s a whole different subject matter. They weren’t discussing the arms because they were slutty. They were discussing gender. Get over it. Everyone knows. Don’t use that as an excuse to berate someone in a completely different area.


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