Thanks so much, nice to know you have such respect and consideration for those of us on the west coast who are conservative. Your comment makes you sound more like an overly-emotional, low I.Q. liberal. In reality, our current problems are coming much more from the rot in D.C. than the rot in Hollywood. Nuking Southern California wouldn’t change that at all. If our federal government itself had higher morals, it would set the tone for the entire country, and make it a lot easier to rid Hollywood of the filthy scum that resides there. As for the rest of the west coast, it’s really no different from the northeast, yet I don’t see you calling for our enemies to nuke them. Perhaps you might try to suggest something a bit more constructive, rather than destroying all life just to eliminate a particular group you dislike.
I will be happy when the FIRST state, anywhere, files for terms of secession from this evil empire. Amerika is FULL of cowards, scared of the sissies & perverts in gov’t. AND on the street. A 2nd amendment is useless to a coward
Obiden has been a life long racist. only NOW he has stepped over the line? Amerika is full of hypocrites and cowards. Restore the republic, that Lincoln destroyed. Make men and states sovereign and free again. STOP paying to be abused by gov’t. tyrants
Thank goodness that Mel is already rich, Pedophile hollywood will never let him work again! Thank You Mel for having the guts to expose this terrible crime. Remember liberals, these are your people that you put on a pedestal!!!!
Wilddog, I agree. Kammy would be worse. As much as I dislike shitpants Joe, the best course of action is to let him finish out his miserable term. The end is in sight. Each day is one day less.
The frightening thing is that we all know Biden isn’t calling the shots – he likely never was. So who in the hell is? I’m sure all of the pardons that are being discussed are not his idea – with the possible exception of his son. Biden is nothing more than a useful tool for a very evil entity that has no regard for the American people or its laws. A huge amount of damage could still be done in the countdown leading to his exit. I do agree, however, that Kamala – the confirmed Marxist – would be even worse. She also lacks brains just like her boss, but is fully onboard with the agenda currently being pushed down America’s throat, and has repeatedly shown that she has absolutely no regard for traditional values. It will take an act of God to see us safely through the next few weeks, with our enemies in complete control as they are.
FREEDOM!!!!!! Mel Gibson is a true patriot of America
If a country wanted to do a first strike with a nuke on this country, they should target Hollywood, then finish up with the whole west coast.
If need be that would be the place!
New England states & most of the north too
Thanks so much, nice to know you have such respect and consideration for those of us on the west coast who are conservative. Your comment makes you sound more like an overly-emotional, low I.Q. liberal. In reality, our current problems are coming much more from the rot in D.C. than the rot in Hollywood. Nuking Southern California wouldn’t change that at all. If our federal government itself had higher morals, it would set the tone for the entire country, and make it a lot easier to rid Hollywood of the filthy scum that resides there. As for the rest of the west coast, it’s really no different from the northeast, yet I don’t see you calling for our enemies to nuke them. Perhaps you might try to suggest something a bit more constructive, rather than destroying all life just to eliminate a particular group you dislike.
I will be happy when the FIRST state, anywhere, files for terms of secession from this evil empire. Amerika is FULL of cowards, scared of the sissies & perverts in gov’t. AND on the street. A 2nd amendment is useless to a coward
If we got rid of shitpants Joe now it means Sore Throat Kamala would take his place. As bad as shitpants Joe is, Sore Throat Kamala could be worse.
Obiden has been a life long racist. only NOW he has stepped over the line? Amerika is full of hypocrites and cowards. Restore the republic, that Lincoln destroyed. Make men and states sovereign and free again. STOP paying to be abused by gov’t. tyrants
Thank goodness that Mel is already rich, Pedophile hollywood will never let him work again! Thank You Mel for having the guts to expose this terrible crime. Remember liberals, these are your people that you put on a pedestal!!!!
Wilddog, I agree. Kammy would be worse. As much as I dislike shitpants Joe, the best course of action is to let him finish out his miserable term. The end is in sight. Each day is one day less.
The frightening thing is that we all know Biden isn’t calling the shots – he likely never was. So who in the hell is? I’m sure all of the pardons that are being discussed are not his idea – with the possible exception of his son. Biden is nothing more than a useful tool for a very evil entity that has no regard for the American people or its laws. A huge amount of damage could still be done in the countdown leading to his exit. I do agree, however, that Kamala – the confirmed Marxist – would be even worse. She also lacks brains just like her boss, but is fully onboard with the agenda currently being pushed down America’s throat, and has repeatedly shown that she has absolutely no regard for traditional values. It will take an act of God to see us safely through the next few weeks, with our enemies in complete control as they are.
IF you are still going to the movie theater, YOU are the problem
The Chinese (who own Biden) will be doing a lot to the U.S. before Jan 20 because when Trump gets in, there will be no more (unidentified) drones!!
and hopefully less or no more communist/socialist. I HAVE A DREAM