Why is everyone so negative on Meagan ? She is trying to show how she cooks , and decorates . What is wrong with that ? Martha Stewart went to prison for doing crooked deals , but no one is trashing her . Trashy foul mouth comedians bash anyone they don’t like , but they still have a job – why don’t you trash them ? Meagan has not done any of that . Cut her a break , stop the hateful redorik.
Markle is just another cheap gold digger. I have more respect for a prostitute then Meghan.
You sir , besmirch prostitutes. They actually work for a living
and where is the hair net while cooking/baking, gross your long hair in the food
Why is everyone so negative on Meagan ? She is trying to show how she cooks , and decorates . What is wrong with that ? Martha Stewart went to prison for doing crooked deals , but no one is trashing her . Trashy foul mouth comedians bash anyone they don’t like , but they still have a job – why don’t you trash them ? Meagan has not done any of that . Cut her a break , stop the hateful redorik.