Mark Hamill LOSES IT After CRAZY Trump Twist He Didn’t See Coming!



They should’ve hired someone else to play Luke Skywalker, I can’t even watch the old Star Wars movies anymore.

The original Star Wars trilogy gave us Luke Skywalker. The sequel trilogy gave us Mark. What a


  1. Mark Hamill is a fake! He acts like he’s big tough shit in Star Wars and like he’s a real patriot when he co-starred in the movie The Big Red One. He’s just runny diarrhea with no structure at all and a coward instead of a soldier. Buy the way, folks, I was in the real Big Red One.

    • If you was in it then you should know that 99% of hollywood is the what you describe. Why would you care what they think? They make their money in a pretend world

      • I know Hollywood is 99% bullshit. There have been a few movies that were somewhat right about the military, but most are BS and sometimes it’s frustrating to listen to these actors who did nothing whine and cry over any little thing.

  2. Happy to know that he has ended his own career. I’ll never watch anything in which he’s associated. Star Wars was overrated anyway.

  3. My son was about 8 when we first saw the first Star Wars (we rented the videos as they were released) in about 1984. We bought all of the action figures between Christmas and his birthday. Mark Hamill has ruined those memories with his psychotic behavior. He is a washed up bitter old has-been that just needs go away from the spotlight – it’s not a very good look. R,I.P. Luke Skywalker.

  4. Hamill is right – who cares about his career, it’s been in the toilet for years, along with his head. Let’s hope that he’s one of the dying breed of woke lunatics who will increasingly find that no one is listening to their rants any longer. Then maybe we’ll get some much needed silence from their verbal diarrhea.


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