Why does Hamil think we care what he thinks?
I’m so glad President Trump is the President of the United States again. All the suffering me and my family and friends have endured these past four years have been worth it
Mark, get worthless draft dodging ass out of this country, you pile of shit!
The more THEY rant, the more guilty of certain crimes they are.
Mark{*j*} Mark ? The farce is now with you. Even your light saver can`t help you. Bongs away.
I am very pleased president trump is in charge again. I hope this time no rino’s screw him over.
As for ant of the Hollywood perverts and drug addicts; I could not care any less if they all leave the country or choose to commit suicide. They are completely unimportant.
There are 2 RINOs that can’t be trusted in the Senate. One is from Maine and the other is from Alaska.