Imagine Hamill just sitting around all day long obsessing over Trump. Every day.

What’s funny is every time they say “Vote like your life depends on it, because it does” they are encouraging more Trump votes.


  1. Hamil the loser & creep – I never liked STAR WARS. Nobody should listen to the non-professionals wanna be actors or stars who know nothing about politics and are ignorant, no degrees in anything, uneducated. GET EDUCATED VOTE PRESIDENT TRUMP who can help Americans with economy, protect us with the wall, deport all illegals.

    • You need to add has-beens to your list of non-professionals. Has Hamill done anything since Star Wars that doesn’t include whining. He is disgraceful. Have you noticed that a lot of far left activists have the same crazy, deranged eyes?

  2. What is really pathetic is that Trump has NO economic policy! He proved in his short term that he was totally clueless about economics. He promised to balance the budget, but added $8 TRILLION to the deficit. Don’t let him bankrupt the USA. He’s had 6 bankruptcies himself. That seems to be his only expertise.

    • Trump was clueless about running the country and now is an old babbling imbecile loser. But, no big problem. We will just flush the orange turd again. Voters aren’t dumb enough to let tRump turn us into a shithole country run by a wannabe dictator.

      • So what you’re saying is you want 4 more years of Biden’s Policies, High Food, Gas, Utilities, Rent and Mortgages And Kamala who doesn’t have a clue at all, Jackie Wake up When Kamala ran for president before she dropped out because no one liked her and now More people don’t like her, She said “If Elected, I will fix the Economy, Didn’t they say Bidenomics is working? They had 3.5 yrs to fix this mess they caused. No more , Kamala is Done along with that POS Obama & Biden!

  3. shame on J.D. Vance, because here’s the truth. Nobody dumped people on Springfield, Ohio. Businesses in Ohio had jobs shortages. They were recruiting Haitian migrants who are here in this country legally to come to help fill… menial labor jobs that people who live there didn’t want to do – that’s what happened. What they need, as the mayor himself said, is help, not hate, not the KKK showing up, not the Proud Boys showing up, and let’s be very clear about what Trump is doing. This actually has nothing to do with a conversation about immigration reform. This is a political tactic. We seen it cycle after cycle, leading up to an election where you demonize, dehumanized and lied about migrants to scare people. But the thing is, if you stop, what you realize is you’re not hearing real solutions from Donald Trump. What you’re hearing again is lies and hate.”

  4. Kamala fans are brain dead just like her. Dems are going crazy. You are not looking at what is good for America. You are picking a side that hasn’t done anything good in 4 years and BY GOD you are not going to vote for Trump who can fix the messes that have torn our country apart. I want Trump to check Congress’ bank accounts and see who has millionaire status now that doesn’t fit their salary since they took office. I hate what has been done to flush America down the toilet and into Marxism. Dems want to control everything we do and say. You better wake up.

  5. you folks better check on your Cats and Dogs in Springfield,oh hoho,….
    because if kamalala gets in office, in November you may need to eat them yourselves,…. not that she is any worse than joe bidung,…. but that the only people her policies are any good for are her and non-Natives,…. NOT YOU !


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