Mark Cuban and The View GET WRECKED After BASHING Pro-Trump Women



I am a woman, and I am a PROUD Trump supporter!! Kamala is not worthy of being our first woman president. EVER.

No one watches the view. Strong beautiful conservative women stand with Trump


  1. Mark Cuban is a low life after what ever he can get, He never made President or even came in close in the primary,s a few years ago. Nobody voted for him because he is another one who wants everything to go his way and his way only. He is not for America, he is for himself. Harris and him make a good pair, they do not care about the American people. They only care about whats in it for them.

  2. Having read some of Mark Cuban’s remarks I find him to be nothing but an unmitigated Communist ass. That guy thinks he knows all there is about everything but he doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground.

  3. Mark Cuban- “Mmmmmm, foot”. These people are fools. I can’t wait to see the libturd tears next week. Hopefully, they’ll all be looking for another country to try to screw up. All devilcrats do is lie. Boycott everything where Cuban makes his money. Watch him cry like a baby, when he’s broke.

  4. Unintelligent woman take a look at the pigs on the view such as Woppie Goldberg no that shows alot of intelligence. Cuban is a pice of Dog Shit and that’s giving him alot of credit.

  5. Cuban is not even a has-been because he never was to begin with. He’s a loud-mouth fool who has no significant following. It’s funny that his only audience is The View. They deserve one another. His wealth cannot possibly be from intelligence.

  6. Agreed on all comments. It’s a loss for him. Money does not make you smarter. You have to apply caring, common sense, money management, and use the money in the right way. The fact he doesn’t recognize common sense, proves his comments are not fact. George and Son Soros, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, are jus a few names that come to mind as having the same mentality. Mark Zuckerberg was on my list. He did confirm he was wrong about believing the FBI Russian Disinformation story. Lot of bureaucrats, politicians, donors, elites fall into the George and Son Soros, Bill Gates, and Klaus Schwab mentality.

  7. Can we write posts in a decent way? No wonder some of our young generation has no respect for anyone, just as self centered like most of us adults. We print garbage not acceptable for decent people. MAY THE GOOD GOD enlighten us and be refined with our comments.

    • Agreed! No woman with any self-respect would support a pussy grabber convicted of sexual assault, who bangs porn stars and pays hush money, and who cheats on every wife he’s had. The man-child hates strong women. Trump supporting women must suffer from really low self-esteem. Is that the type of man they would want for their daughters? And yet the POS pretends he is a good Christian. FLUSH THE ORANGE TURD AGAIN!

  8. WOW this looks so amazing and I love 💕 to See this amazing News 📰 About ALL of
    The MANY and amazing Past TRUMPS WOMEN who are NOT in charge of the Country or the People of America !? BUT THEY HAVE Let the TRUE TRUMPy exploit and PROBE into their Own internal WORKings for His Own Excitement and SATISFACTION 💯% of the Time 🤩

  9. You are supposed to pay attention to baby WILDDOG. His mommy doesn’t let him keep her phone for long. His dream is to be a child that gets noticed.


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