Without formal charges or access to an attorney, no due process. Most likely, no medical treatment, crappy food, no visitors, no interviews, no other human contact. Except she won’t have ANY fan club at all on the outside to fight for her except for Daddy. She broke the law out of greed and hatred – she deserves worse.
The scoundrels will never be held accountable. Devilcrats always escape punishment. If their was true justice, half of the devilcrat politicians would be in prison. All of them lie, steal, cheat and bear false witness.
Congress is a bunch of cowards they have not kept thier promises or followed thru with anything but demonrat policies but I would love to see lez chains face justice for Jan 6
It’s a very dark day in Washington. Starting with the Clinton’s, Obama’s and the entire Biden Family. Our Congress has been nothing but a play book to scheme the American people. Washington needs to be cleaned out once and for all. We don’t need politicians going to Washington and seeking to get rich. If nothing else, we see just how bad these people are. I HAD NO IDEA HOW CORRUPT THESE PEOPLE WERE. THERE WILL BE A PLACE IN HELL FOR EVERYONE. THEY ARE IN BED WITH OUR ENEMIES, SELLING THEIR SOUL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. THE FORMER FIRST LADIES ARE JUST AS BAD. MICHELE THINK SHES GOD GIFT TO THE WORLD AND I CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT JILL THINKS SHE IS. WE KNOW NONE CAN BE TRUSTED.
Thank God the majority of the voters were the awakened and not the WOKE. Trump won because that’s what we, the people wanted not because there was rampant cheating. This time the cheating didn’t work for the Dems except for some of the seats in the House and Senate. MAGA!
I want to see every-single-one that served on that January 6th committee in that same DC dirty prison that they put our patriots in. I just watched the Mark Levin Show about this tonight. All are guilty of running a farce, like the Kangaroo Courts on the eastern seaboard. These documents were falsified, re-dacted and this entire thing was a set-up!
Lizzy’s sentence should be the same 40 whacks that Lizzy Borden gave her parents.
Put Lez Cheney in the slam so she can get a new girlfriend.
Give her the same treatment she gave Jan 6th political prisoners.
I agree
Without formal charges or access to an attorney, no due process. Most likely, no medical treatment, crappy food, no visitors, no interviews, no other human contact. Except she won’t have ANY fan club at all on the outside to fight for her except for Daddy. She broke the law out of greed and hatred – she deserves worse.
Absolutely!! funny how the BLM protesters burned down cities and walked way without a charge!!
I agree! She needs a lot of jail time.
The scoundrels will never be held accountable. Devilcrats always escape punishment. If their was true justice, half of the devilcrat politicians would be in prison. All of them lie, steal, cheat and bear false witness.
Congress is a bunch of cowards they have not kept thier promises or followed thru with anything but demonrat policies but I would love to see lez chains face justice for Jan 6
It’s a very dark day in Washington. Starting with the Clinton’s, Obama’s and the entire Biden Family. Our Congress has been nothing but a play book to scheme the American people. Washington needs to be cleaned out once and for all. We don’t need politicians going to Washington and seeking to get rich. If nothing else, we see just how bad these people are. I HAD NO IDEA HOW CORRUPT THESE PEOPLE WERE. THERE WILL BE A PLACE IN HELL FOR EVERYONE. THEY ARE IN BED WITH OUR ENEMIES, SELLING THEIR SOUL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. THE FORMER FIRST LADIES ARE JUST AS BAD. MICHELE THINK SHES GOD GIFT TO THE WORLD AND I CAN’T IMAGINE WHAT JILL THINKS SHE IS. WE KNOW NONE CAN BE TRUSTED.
Thank God the majority of the voters were the awakened and not the WOKE. Trump won because that’s what we, the people wanted not because there was rampant cheating. This time the cheating didn’t work for the Dems except for some of the seats in the House and Senate. MAGA!
Pelosi needs jail time too. She’s already admitted on video that Jan.6 was her fault. Put that old witch away too !
ABSOLUTELY and make her payback all the free trips she took on Military planes!!
I just want to keep Pelosi free long enough for her to destroy AOC, then we can toss her corrupt a** in prison and throw away the key.
I want to see every-single-one that served on that January 6th committee in that same DC dirty prison that they put our patriots in. I just watched the Mark Levin Show about this tonight. All are guilty of running a farce, like the Kangaroo Courts on the eastern seaboard. These documents were falsified, re-dacted and this entire thing was a set-up!