Libs PANIC As Trump Song About ‘Eating Dogs And Cats’ BREAKS Internet, Most VIRAL Trend On TikTok



Ducks Lives Matter!

Where are all the animal rights activists ?


  1. A TRUE TRUMPETy Will be the best thing to ever Send The TROOPS and His ASS with out a a Chance πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’©πŸ™πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ™

  2. Cats are considered a celebration dish by Haitians. By stealing peoples cats for getting here, the Haitians are celebrating getting out of a war zone. This is not unusual. When I was living in southern Illinois during the late 80s, there was a moratorium on asian folks from adopting pets from the animal shelter. Why? Because they would be back the next week to “adopt” more. Yes, the animals were being eaten. The shelter took the stance that they weren’t going to adopt a pet out to people for food. How “racist” is that?

  3. What the hell did them idoits except. They let millons walk into our country with no means to feed or house them. Now their eating our pets and ducks in the parks and our neighborhoods. Funny part is … they cry their illegals are not eating them, while they show a video behind them where the illegals. Same old democrat story. Belive what we say, not what you see for yourself. You can’t make this stupid BS up.

    • blame not the evil ones for their actions, rather, the cowards (with a 2nd amendment) that will do NOTHING to stop them. yet continue to fund them, every year, with HALF of what they produce, in taxes. RED states need to separate from this evil empire NOW !

  4. ‘If these are the best that Republicans and Democrats can do, it’s a pretty sad state for American democracy’. Trump has already proved to be totally clueless, corrupt, traitorous a oncend incompetent at the job, so the only choice is Harris. We flushed the orange turd, so why would we want him back?

  5. TYPO CORRECTION: Trump has already proved to be totally clueless, corrupt, traitorous and incompetent at the job, so the only choice is Harris.

    • Correction: Harris has proved herself to be totally clueless, corrupt ( she let out criminals and let terrorist come into our country) traitorous ( again let people who committed crimes free and paid for rioters who burned down buildings, cars and killed people- didn’t prosecute pedophiles and let them continue abusing kids) Incompetent ( did nothing for the border and didn’t protect our country.) The only choice to save this country is Trump! She was bad in everyy job she had and you want to give her a promotion, that’s not the way it works in real life!

    • you didn’t get to vote for your nominee. 3 jackasses chose for you. YOU were not welcome in Chicago, the rich elites were. Does that sound like democracy to you? Joe Oboden didm’t pass the baton, IT was ripped from him, given to someone that NEVER received one vote of “the sheeople/jackasses”. never made it to Iowa, of anywhere else, except, to a bed, sofa or on the carpet

  6. The people who currently run this country are like really dumb little kids playing at being adults in charge. They do things like make up crazy experiments: ‘Lets see what would happen if we made everybody real scared of a disease, so they have to wear masks, stay home, not get close to each other – if they don’t want to play, they lose their jobs! ha ha!’

    Then: ‘Hey! I wonder what would happen if we went around the world, found the most poor and backward people, and flew millions of them in and dumped them into the the middle of the USA – the world’s richest country! Would they fight it out like when you dump ants from one anthill onto another anthill?!! – tee hee!’

    ‘Hey! Let’s tell everybody there are a bunch of different sexes, like a mix of males and females, maybe even some mixed with animals – ha ha! I wonder how many will believe it?!’


  7. In Asia (China, Korea) it is well-known stray dogs and cats are rounded up, slaughtered, and eaten; it is an outrage, seeing the poor animals trying to comfort each other before being tortured and savagely butchered!

  8. Answer this: What decent woman in her right mind would support a vile POS who cheats on every wife he’s had, bangs porn stars, has a record of sexual assault, and calls himself a good Christian? Has there ever been such a low-life a politician with such shitty character? Gee I wonder why he only has 30% of the women’s vote, and who the hell are those women?

    • the demon-rat, control freaks loved him when he was doing that, just like they were and still are. They only hate him now, because he is exposing the corruption, of the jackass party. Now Amerika has a NAZI Gestapo? and you say you hate fascism? no morals, no content, no character, no love. only death & debt & hate

  9. trump didn’t rape anybody, she saw a story about it on Law and Order and fantasized about Trump. Clinton did use his power as governor to assault Juanita Broderick and others. As did Biden with Tara Reid, she reported it and lost her job (he should have) believe it or not she is still hiding to protect her life and she feels safer in Russia, Russia! that’s how corrupt and bad Biden is and unfortunately the democratic party. I used to be one and wised up


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