The commie dumbocraps, have gone into mass psychosis, with their TDS, and will need extreme mental health care, for life, if their heads, don’t explode before hand. lol so many crazies
Why are people compelled to show their worst on social media? There was a day when people controlled
To the woman who says to not have sex for the next four years, I agree that should be your consideration. All the babies born in the next four years will be to conservatives. I think tying your knees together is a better birth control than killing your babies because you forget your birth control in a drunken stupor.
Liberal dummycrats don’t have a mind to lose.
The commie dumbocraps, have gone into mass psychosis, with their TDS, and will need extreme mental health care, for life, if their heads, don’t explode before hand. lol so many crazies
We should have a video of all doing the “Trump” dance! Happy Feet!
PRESIDENT TRUMP better bring some gardeners in to tend to all of the fragile little flowers.
Why are people compelled to show their worst on social media? There was a day when people controlled
To the woman who says to not have sex for the next four years, I agree that should be your consideration. All the babies born in the next four years will be to conservatives. I think tying your knees together is a better birth control than killing your babies because you forget your birth control in a drunken stupor.
The girl who said not to have sex for the next 4 years she is ugly as hell and I sure wouldn’t wake up to that.
Piss on that old bitch,Whoopi,she shouldn’t sleep by an open Crack for the for rest of her life. Whooping GO TO HELL
Rock the vote TRUMP 2024!!!