So SONNY the RACIST has spoken. I would like to see which of PETEs detractors has spent any time in a Combat situation. Oh let’s see these same Democrats BIG mouths wew willing to put the Vice Presidents office in the hands of a non combat idiot (tim Walz).
Maybe laughing boy, Lemon can go fight in combat. Ship the spew for one hour into combat. That would be the last we heard from them. Why do we even give these people the time of day? They’re opinions are inconsequential. Ignore these jokers and they will fade away.
The one that really got me is when fat lazy ass Whoopie said Pete has no military experience. I only made it to E-4 in the Army and I have by far more military experience than any of those washed up fat ass lazy bitches on The View, who have NEVER been in any branch of the military.
What a negative show that is. Just like the Biden/Harris Administration, and Mainstream Media. America last. Why would anyone vote for that? Make America Great Again or America Last. Not too hard to see which message is better. Or is it? Apparently some people turned on Americans. And yet, they said Trump is a threat. Mind blowing.
I absolutely love TRUMPS picks of cabinets I think they are perfect for the job and I am super Maga and the view was happy with a commander and chief on cocain
The Lefty sky screamers are shaving their heads because an EXPERIENCED, veteran, straight, White Man without a dress is going to fix Biden’s MILIFAIRY.
The more the limps whine and blubber, the more we will support PRESIDENT TRUMP’S choices.
P3te’s a great pick. I saw Liawatha Warren make noise about him being a talk show host. And she has respect for the military, as her brothers served. Were they Cigar Store Indians as well? Did she miss where he had degrees from Princeton and Harvard? Or where he was a platoon leader in combat in the 187th Airborne (Rakkasans) Infantry, 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division? Or he went 5o become a Major with 26 years service when he retired? And he got 2 Bronze Stars. Wow Elizabeth Warren, what are your credentials for being a Congresswoman? I think you should resign your commission. Did you ever pay Harvard that money for lying about being a Native American and getting a break on your tuition?
We are always ready to make bad comments that shows we harbor a lot of hatred for others and hate ourselves too. LET US be more decent and show our young generation that we have some respect for others. What comes out from our own mouths is a real show on what is inside us.LET US LEARN to hold off our derogatory comments on others and learn some civility.
So SONNY the RACIST has spoken. I would like to see which of PETEs detractors has spent any time in a Combat situation. Oh let’s see these same Democrats BIG mouths wew willing to put the Vice Presidents office in the hands of a non combat idiot (tim Walz).
Maybe laughing boy, Lemon can go fight in combat. Ship the spew for one hour into combat. That would be the last we heard from them. Why do we even give these people the time of day? They’re opinions are inconsequential. Ignore these jokers and they will fade away.
The only thing Lemon would be go for is leading the first wave in a human wave attack into a machinegun nest.
The one that really got me is when fat lazy ass Whoopie said Pete has no military experience. I only made it to E-4 in the Army and I have by far more military experience than any of those washed up fat ass lazy bitches on The View, who have NEVER been in any branch of the military.
What a negative show that is. Just like the Biden/Harris Administration, and Mainstream Media. America last. Why would anyone vote for that? Make America Great Again or America Last. Not too hard to see which message is better. Or is it? Apparently some people turned on Americans. And yet, they said Trump is a threat. Mind blowing.
If the demonrats hate it I love it
I absolutely love TRUMPS picks of cabinets I think they are perfect for the job and I am super Maga and the view was happy with a commander and chief on cocain
I agree with you my black friend 100 percent
The Lefty sky screamers are shaving their heads because an EXPERIENCED, veteran, straight, White Man without a dress is going to fix Biden’s MILIFAIRY.
The more the limps whine and blubber, the more we will support PRESIDENT TRUMP’S choices.
P3te’s a great pick. I saw Liawatha Warren make noise about him being a talk show host. And she has respect for the military, as her brothers served. Were they Cigar Store Indians as well? Did she miss where he had degrees from Princeton and Harvard? Or where he was a platoon leader in combat in the 187th Airborne (Rakkasans) Infantry, 101st Airborne (Air Assault) Division? Or he went 5o become a Major with 26 years service when he retired? And he got 2 Bronze Stars. Wow Elizabeth Warren, what are your credentials for being a Congresswoman? I think you should resign your commission. Did you ever pay Harvard that money for lying about being a Native American and getting a break on your tuition?
We are always ready to make bad comments that shows we harbor a lot of hatred for others and hate ourselves too. LET US be more decent and show our young generation that we have some respect for others. What comes out from our own mouths is a real show on what is inside us.LET US LEARN to hold off our derogatory comments on others and learn some civility.