Is there any reports of leftists having heart attacks and dying from the taco eating reporter?
We can only hope I suppose.
If you are so stupid that you can not understand why Americans do not want to pay for all the negative impacts f these free loaders coming to America then you are too stupid to live.
And I suppose if the reporter was covering a story about the mafia and eating a pizza at the same time the dummycrats would scream over that as well. I remember working at a place in the early 1980s and they had quite a few Mexican Americans working there. One day they were talking about illegal immigrants and one of the Mexican Americans referred to the illegal immigrants as “wet backs.” A lot of American Hispanics don’t like this illegal immigrant shit, either.
Is there any reports of leftists having heart attacks and dying from the taco eating reporter?
We can only hope I suppose.
If you are so stupid that you can not understand why Americans do not want to pay for all the negative impacts f these free loaders coming to America then you are too stupid to live.
And I suppose if the reporter was covering a story about the mafia and eating a pizza at the same time the dummycrats would scream over that as well. I remember working at a place in the early 1980s and they had quite a few Mexican Americans working there. One day they were talking about illegal immigrants and one of the Mexican Americans referred to the illegal immigrants as “wet backs.” A lot of American Hispanics don’t like this illegal immigrant shit, either.