Perhaps she is on the EPSTEIN ISLAND black book list and that is why she is paranoid. IF SHE IS ON THE LIST, Then the law should punish and per my Christian belief – anyone who hurst a child, would be better off to throw themselves in a river with a stone around their necks. Lord Jesus Christ on judgment day after we all leave this earth, will place her, if she does not stop her sinning and admit her guilt, into ETERNAL HELLFIRE for extreme pain as she caused it on people and children while she lived on Earth where she can suffer next to satan the devil whom she worships per her own words while accepting an award. She is not funny, no talent – never had talent which she admits is on the “F” list if not “Z” list. THE 3 STOOGES are funnier than her.
President Trump would not waste his valuable time going after Griffins scum ass. She really believes she is that important? Griffin you are a pig and a worthless lying sack of shit. Why don’t you get attacked and killed.
As i recall SHE is the one that started going for the Trump family Dont care for her and never will seem like a slim ball to me
Trump will go after anyone on Epstein flight log
Trump was on Epstein’s plane 7 times, back when they were banging young girls.
Perhaps she is on the EPSTEIN ISLAND black book list and that is why she is paranoid. IF SHE IS ON THE LIST, Then the law should punish and per my Christian belief – anyone who hurst a child, would be better off to throw themselves in a river with a stone around their necks. Lord Jesus Christ on judgment day after we all leave this earth, will place her, if she does not stop her sinning and admit her guilt, into ETERNAL HELLFIRE for extreme pain as she caused it on people and children while she lived on Earth where she can suffer next to satan the devil whom she worships per her own words while accepting an award. She is not funny, no talent – never had talent which she admits is on the “F” list if not “Z” list. THE 3 STOOGES are funnier than her.
She is nasty and vial
I thought she died ???
President Trump would not waste his valuable time going after Griffins scum ass. She really believes she is that important? Griffin you are a pig and a worthless lying sack of shit. Why don’t you get attacked and killed.
She is just another idiot looking for 15 seconds of fame. She is completely irrelevant.
Boy she has no problem attacking his family and is so vial. Trump should go after her. Such a double standard. FKG