Kamala SNAPS At Audience for Mentioning Jesus: ‘You’re At the WRONG Rally!’ | ‘DEMONIC!’



One of the Devil’s minions getting angry at the mention of Jesus Christ doesnt surprise me at all.

Congratulations Kamala. You just lost the Christian vote.


  1. why are you surprised??? the reason communists hate all religions because there is only one- the “one and only Supreme Leader”- to be worshipped. There is no room for another to be worshipped, you have to give all your love and attention exclusively to the leader of the Party without questioning, and you cannot do that if you are a believer of a God of any religions. I know, I escaped from a communist country where Stalin was “Our Beloved Father” whom we had to worship daily, and all churches and synagogues were locked down, (not with real locks, the doors were open but they spied on everybody who dared to enter and sent them to camps) and our Cardinal was jailed. Just know who you vote for!

    • Unfortunately, many Americans won’t listen to the voices of experience and reason such as yours. They foolishly prefer to experience everything for themselves, even when it means bringing the rest of us down with them. Thank you for your very pertinent comment – I just hope it will influence some of these otherwise moral idiots.

    • Yes, we don’t want corrupt immoral wannabe dictator Trump around again. So many reasons why we flushed the orange turd ASAP.

  2. Demonrats have alwAys hated Christians if you have not notice they are pro Moslem and pro pervert everything Demonrats hate and they hate Israel

    • If that was true then the majority of Jews wouldn’t reside on the left. The democrats do indeed hate Christians, but don’t believe for a minute that they hate Jews. In fact, Jews make up a large part of the democrat’s leadership, and much of the left’s loathing of Christians is due to the support of the Jews within their ranks. On occasion, the monster they created gets a bit out of hand as it did with the recent anti-Israel protests. But this was simply a result of some of the more ignorant leftists equating Jews with whites, and seeing the conflict as white vs. “people of color”. They will not be corrected, however, as this white (and Christian) hatred is vital in bringing about the end of America as we know it and implementing the NWO that the democrats live for. As for the perversion that you refer to, there is no greater defender of perversion (disguised as freedom of speech and expression) than the Jews. Indeed, they have played a major role historically in the growth of the pornography industry throughout the world. It’s very important to make a distinction between Jews and Christians, and not to assume that the two are in any way allies or share a common goal. Nothing could be further from the truth. As a Christian, I will never ally myself with those who deny that Jesus Christ is the true lord and savior.

  3. Demonrats have alwAys hated Christians demonrats are pro Moslem pro pervert pro criminals everything Christians are against and demonrats hate Israel

  4. cheez-its continues to bless his globalists and all his globalist puppets; soros, chester biden crime family, harris crime family, zelensky crime family, clinton crime family, zelensky crime family all his altar boy raping demonrat priests and all of gods CRIMINAL organizations .

  5. K. Harris was raised as a Hindu. Her current husband is a Jew. There is no Jesus Christ in her home or life, and for her, she mocks those who would follow someone who said “He was the way, the truth and the light, no one goes to the Father save by Him”.

  6. Slowly comrade Harris is showing who she really is..her little angry fit she did when Brett on Fox News pressed her for an answer ..she showed what she hides from the world..a deep hate and angry personality ..that is the reason she fired so many aides ..also that communist ideology is now wide open to see..the horror of what she is the devil’s helper ..you really want someone like that with their fingers on the launch button..?

  7. I can’t stand cackling Kammy. Dopey Joe and cackling Kammy hate Jews. Proof? They threatened a moratorium on weapons shipments for Israel. Cackling Kammy actually said that. Dopey Joe has been “slow walking” weapons for Israel.

    • If Harris hated Jews she would not have married one. No one who opposes Israel will ever be allowed to become POTUS. They have ways of filtering out these folks early on, by cancel culture or worse. The fact that most Jews are left-leaning and support Harris tells me that they don’t fear her at all. She’s a rather dull puppet who, like Biden, will do exactly as she’s told. If you think that Biden actually stood up to Israel of his own accord, you must be delusional. The whole thing has been staged. Israel has been wiping the floor with the Palestinians from the beginning and the U.S., despite a bit of “tough” rhetoric, has done nothing to stop them. The college protests are basically meaningless, as are most protests – designed to make the masses feel like they’re doing something while doing absolutely nothing. In all fairness, Trump is also a puppet for the Jews, so no matter who gets elected, Israel has nothing to be concerned about. If they choose to pull America into their war, either leader will oblige them, and the American people, as always, will be the losers.

  8. Every religion has their own imaginary god, and insists theirs is the only god. That has started many wars. You would think in this modern age that people would stop believing in fairy tales.

    • Most people in this country HAVE stopped believing in, or more accurately, following God, and our country has never been more in danger of collapse than it is today.

      Your insinuation that belief in God is responsible for most of the evil in the world is simply incorrect. How many MILLIONS of people have been murdered by communist regimes throughout history? No one could argue that this was a result of belief in an “imaginary god” as communism is notoriously godless. Indeed, the majority of murders in the world are committed by those with a broken – or non-existing – moral compass, and morality is irrelevant without belief in a higher power.

      I feel it’s important to draw a distinction here between religion and faith. Many religious people are not faithful, and many with a strong belief are not practitioners of a religion. I share some of your animosity towards organized religion (due to my own negative experience), much of which I view as nothing more than a hypocritical social club. But that has absolutely nothing to do with my belief in God, which transcends anything man-made. I would invite you to rethink your stand on this subject, and determine what it is that you’re really opposed to. Faith itself is a very personal thing that doesn’t require a membership in any organization. It does, however, require HONEST self reflection, which is infinitely more challenging. It also requires adherence – to the best of one’s ability – to a fixed moral code. This may seem unappealing to the spoiled child in each of us, but it’s quite necessary for the functioning of a civil society, and its absence is what we’re witnessing today.

  9. You proved your stupidity when you said morality was irrelevant without a god. That was dumb enough to make us stop reading the rest.

  10. Trump is a pervert, and we need to give thanks to God almighty that he got rid of the pretend Christian in office who is a predator convicted of sexual assault, treats women like trash, commits infidelity on all his wives, steals from charities, insults everyone and doesn’t pay his debts. Trump is a sure bet for hell quickly, since he definitely is NO Christian.


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