Lord PLEASE save us from this woman.

Who else can’t stand Stephen Colbert ?


  1. How many times has Kamala Harris say she’s not Biden? She should find a new career in acting. Only Cameo roles as she would never remember her lines. Forget comedy cause she only laughs at herself.

  2. One more thing. Ron DeSantis is a ROCK STAR when it comes to hurricane response. He is not only handling Florida but helping other states as well. Even Biden knows that and verified it. To hear her criticism of him is revolting and so selfish of her. SHE is giving misinformation. SHE is politicizing the issue. What a cee u next Tuesday. The stupidity and gall of this selfish woman is astounding.

  3. …Harris’s “Have you no…” line is a plagiarized line from Joseph Welch…a US Army Attorney used towards Senator Joe McCarthy during a Senate Hearing in the 50’s when they were blacklisting people for being alleged communist. He said to McCarthy…”Have you no sense of decency”. A line that could be used against the whole of our government at this point.

  4. My dream is for Harris to fall off a cliff! I can’t stand the sight of her and when she talks about how she knows about how the people of this country feels, bitch you know NOTHING about anyone! Harris knows she wants to CONTROL this country and will never have compassion for anyone. She’s LYING just like she’s always lied. And then she talks with an accent to try to impress people. Not happening here you corrupt fool.

  5. Harris is laughing at America and says “We did it Joe” 
    Your fired!

    Harris is a liar fraud fake failure dishonest hypocrite brainless idiot that we would not hire her to make us a ham sandwich! 🥪🤮

  6. You have to love Colbert and Kimmel since they don’t lie. Instead they actually show the videos of Trump saying the stupidest things anyone could imagine. That way liar Trump can’t call it fake news. The senile old buffoon should stick to selling his Chinese Trump trinkets to suckers. Looks like he needs the money. What a disgrace to America!

  7. The Dems are brilliant – they have an absolutely substandard candidate who can’t even pretend to speak substantively on any subject and they have trained her to spew canned “feel good” nonsense which appeals to her low intellect, low information constituency – and, of course, the MSM is utterly complicit in allowing this travesty while pretending that it isn’t utter BS.

    • Too bad that Trump was such a horseshit president, but Americans were smart enough to flush the orange turd ASAP. Now he is just a demented senile old fool who babbles nonsense and insults everyone, including Republicans who disagree with anything he says. No wonder 18 of his former cabinet members are supporting Harris. They know him best.

  8. Buffoon Trump proved that he was totally ignorant about economics and foreign affairs. He gave HUGE tax breaks to millionaires and added 8 TRILLION dollars to the national debt after promising to balance the budget. Since he got dumped businesses are booming, stock markets have DOUBLED, oil production is the highest in the world, unemployment is at a low. Thank Christ Trump didn’t get a chance to turn the USA into a 3rd world shithole country.


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