Kamala Harris CRIES RACISM From Republicans After CONFRONTED On Supporting Slavery Reparations!



She is not black. I repeat she is not black. And Black people don’t see this? I have questions, man

This woman is insufferable, it actually hurts to hear her talk.


  1. If this woman thinks we have more in common with her
    I’m not buying the Kool aid she’s selling
    People need to distance them selves from her

  2. I never owned slaves, and I do not agree in reparations. Her father owned a lot of them, so let Kamel toe pay them out of all the stolen money.

  3. Black people telling the truth like this versus towing the leftist and like the so called “black leaders” lines conforming to what is expected of all black people is refreshing and a surprise. Somewhat seems it takes some real bravery. Then again, one would think they know what all black people are like and what their opinions are and what they support and oppose due to all the media and other forms of influence. But getting to know black personally, many are not conforming to what is expected of them by the talking heads. Many do call BS on this stuff that is crammed down their throats by the left and the so called “black leaders”. Harris and the left spews plenty of BS and lies, or in the case of harris, just hollow generalities.

    Speaking of “black leaders”, I am sure there was no election to decide who is a black leader. I am sure the media had plenty to do with picking black leaders, those that say things that will make good news reading. And then they scam businesses to financially support them in return for not speaking out against them. They are assumed to speak for all black people, somewhat like supposedly AARP speaks for all older people. All just more BS.

  4. Trump was clueless about running the country and now is an old babbling imbecile loser. But, no big problem. We will just flush the orange turd again. Voters aren’t dumb enough to let tRump turn us into a shithole country run by a wannabe dictator.


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