Kacklea is a mean, nasty, liar. She’s got more mental problems than Obiden. She should be in an asylum, not running for president. With all of the help she’s gotten from mainstream media and big money donors, she should be breezing to victory. Instead, because she’s as dumb as a rock, she’s floundering. Trump will win in a landslide. Thank God the devilcrats didn’t have a competent candidate to run.
if it is NOT CHEATED
votes counted weeks after, dead people voting, non citizens voting, ILLEGALS voting,
she is the dumbest vice president and senator and AG,
copy other peoples work,
not a single thought in her pea brain is her own, or well on her back is her
It sure won’t take much to beat loser Trump. Trump isn’t a Hitler, just a wannabe dictator like Hitler or Putin or Kim Yung Un. He’s far too stupid to organize anything properly. A failed businessman with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses who has to sell Chinese trinkets to supplement his income. His present failed attempts are Trump Media, bibles, watches, trading cards, clown shoes and crypto. LOL!! If his father hadn’t left him billions of dollars of NYC real estate that soared in value, he would be just another broke-ass bitch working at McDonalds. Oops wait! They don’t hire felons convicted of sexual assault.
Your comment above about his father leaving him billions just show how dumb you really are. He was only left millions. May I suggest you do some research before writing anything so stupid.
His father gave him $1,000,000 to help get him started in business. In just 1 year, he payed his father back. I believe most in here complaining are jealous because they didn’t have a parent that would loan them a 1/4 of that and if they did, 98% of them wouldn’t pay mom & dad back!
Looks like Trump’s state of mind has deteriorated dramatically since the start of the week, when he swayed and bopped on stage to music for 39 minutes, as if he’d temporarily forgotten that he was campaigning for president. The weirdest moment was when he responded to a child’s question about his favorite farm animal. Trump said he loves cows. But, he added, “if we go with Kamala, we won’t have any cows anymore.”
This was met with laughter, but his face seemed to register confusion, as if to ask: why are these people laughing? So he said it again, seeming to ensure that they knew he wasn’t joking. … In Trump’s case, the issue is pretty clearly some form of dementia. The condition runs in his family. His dad died of Alzheimer’s. Trump often says he “aced” two cognitive tests, but he’s known to have dictated his medical reports to his doctors when he was president.
At least we are much better off now. A million people aren’t dying from Covid. Plenty of jobs available. Businesses are booming again. The stock market has doubled since we flushed the orange turd. Inflation is down under 3%. (Which will increase if Trump adds his tariffs to imports.) There isn’t much to whine about unless an immigrant stole your job picking vegetables in the fields.
When did she ever able to answer a question?
Kacklea is a mean, nasty, liar. She’s got more mental problems than Obiden. She should be in an asylum, not running for president. With all of the help she’s gotten from mainstream media and big money donors, she should be breezing to victory. Instead, because she’s as dumb as a rock, she’s floundering. Trump will win in a landslide. Thank God the devilcrats didn’t have a competent candidate to run.
if it is NOT CHEATED
votes counted weeks after, dead people voting, non citizens voting, ILLEGALS voting,
she is the dumbest vice president and senator and AG,
copy other peoples work,
not a single thought in her pea brain is her own, or well on her back is her
It sure won’t take much to beat loser Trump. Trump isn’t a Hitler, just a wannabe dictator like Hitler or Putin or Kim Yung Un. He’s far too stupid to organize anything properly. A failed businessman with 6 bankruptcies and 20 failed businesses who has to sell Chinese trinkets to supplement his income. His present failed attempts are Trump Media, bibles, watches, trading cards, clown shoes and crypto. LOL!! If his father hadn’t left him billions of dollars of NYC real estate that soared in value, he would be just another broke-ass bitch working at McDonalds. Oops wait! They don’t hire felons convicted of sexual assault.
Your comment above about his father leaving him billions just show how dumb you really are. He was only left millions. May I suggest you do some research before writing anything so stupid.
His father gave him $1,000,000 to help get him started in business. In just 1 year, he payed his father back. I believe most in here complaining are jealous because they didn’t have a parent that would loan them a 1/4 of that and if they did, 98% of them wouldn’t pay mom & dad back!
I would like to know why Trump and Vance wear more make-up than Harris. Anyone?
Looks like Trump’s state of mind has deteriorated dramatically since the start of the week, when he swayed and bopped on stage to music for 39 minutes, as if he’d temporarily forgotten that he was campaigning for president. The weirdest moment was when he responded to a child’s question about his favorite farm animal. Trump said he loves cows. But, he added, “if we go with Kamala, we won’t have any cows anymore.”
This was met with laughter, but his face seemed to register confusion, as if to ask: why are these people laughing? So he said it again, seeming to ensure that they knew he wasn’t joking. … In Trump’s case, the issue is pretty clearly some form of dementia. The condition runs in his family. His dad died of Alzheimer’s. Trump often says he “aced” two cognitive tests, but he’s known to have dictated his medical reports to his doctors when he was president.
I guarantee the letters “DR” aren’t next to your name. But “Cut and Paste” from NEWSMAX are!
At least we are much better off now. A million people aren’t dying from Covid. Plenty of jobs available. Businesses are booming again. The stock market has doubled since we flushed the orange turd. Inflation is down under 3%. (Which will increase if Trump adds his tariffs to imports.) There isn’t much to whine about unless an immigrant stole your job picking vegetables in the fields.