I’m Voting Trump so I can be unburdened by what has been.

Is anyone else sick and tired of the Obama’s?


  1. It used to be when a person was called mad that meant they were crazy and needed a ride to the loony bin. I’d say that definition of mad applies to Sore Throat Kamala. I’m now wondering how many of her staff are going to quit.

  2. How pathetic is it that the Trump rallies show how racist the GOP has become? Also how can Trump be stupid enough to talk about Arnold Palmer’s cock in front of Arnold’s daughter in their home town? And on FOX he said if Harris is elected there will be no more cows??? He is unfit to be president and obviously suffering from dementia. Poor old senile fool needs a padded cell.

    • I saw the rally and none of those things happened, you lying pile of bullshit. YOU are your dummycrat party should be locked up in a padded cell wearing a strait jacket.

  3. michelle campaigned with kamala last week in Mich. In the picture they posted of tem was rather revealing. michelles adams apple was clearly visible.

  4. Everyone can feel that at least we are much better off now. A million people aren’t dying from Covid. Plenty of jobs available. Businesses are booming again. The stock market has doubled since we flushed the orange turd. Inflation is down under 3%. (Which will increase if Trump adds his tariffs to imports.) There isn’t much to whine about unless an immigrant stole your job picking vegetables in the fields.

    • You lying pile of shit. Besides, it was YOUR buddy, Quack Fauci, who helped the Chinese make covid and it’s YOUR buddy, Billy Gates, who wants to reduce the world population to 100,000 so shit like you can control the population, easier, and install a communist one world government. You must have graduated 2nd in your class, AOC was first.

  5. FACT: Nikki Haley told Fox News host Bret Baier: “This is not a time to have anyone criticize Puerto Rico or Latinos, this is not a time for them to get overly masculine with this bromance thing that they’ve got going.”

    The former South Carolina governor and 2024 presidential contender continued her criticism of Trump’s campaign by saying that his messaging is “not the way to win women,” who she added “care about the issues” – and vote. IT’S AWESOME TO SEE SO MANY REPUBLICANS BEING AWARE OF TRUMP AS THE WORST CHOICE! THEY AREN’T DUMB, SINCE THEY KNOW TRUMP BETTER THAN ANYONE.

  6. Who remembers how Trump promised to replace Obamacare, reduce taxes, cut public debt, have Mexico pay for the wall, clean up corruption, $1 trillion for infrastructure, protect public land, protect clean air & water, bring down drug prices, release his tax returns, etc, etc. Did any fools out there really believe him? Still, it took 4 long years before we could flush the orange turd.


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