Kamala Breaks-Out Fake New SPANISH Accent For Hispanic Audience, Crowd CRINGES! ‘This is PAINFUL!’



This Democrat Party continues to look worse and worse and worse…..

She can sport as many accents as she freaking wants but she’s not getting my Hispanic vote.


  1. Kamala is “laughing her fake smile” all the way to the top of the Socialist Communist Party USA Marxist leadership by destroying Americas 240+ year Democratic Republic in the process! WAKE UP AMERICA !!!

  2. I have to say when I was young some 40 years ago I had experimented smoking marijuana, and one of the things about being in that alternate state of mind was that you view things and everything seems to be funny and you can’t help but laugh at everything you think about say! So it makes me think that this woman is high on pot and that’s why she talks word salads all the time, the pot just does that to your mind! I thank God I had enough since to walk away from that stuff! It does nothing for you, but make you sound stupid!!!

    • If anyone would still have her. I wonder if she cackles during the act? Actually, no I don’t really want to know. All I care about is Trump/Vance 2024!!!

  3. On her knees Harris cackles to distract the audience because she has to reboot her brain for what she wants to say next. A lot of people have this problem with cackling when they are trying their damnedest to sound intelligent and not give away their idiotic intellect.

  4. What’s really sad is that Trump was such a useless incompetent POS as president, that many Republicans are now endorsing Harris. That includes 18 of the 42 Trump-appointees who know him better than anyone. They want him gone since he is destroying the party.

  5. Harris is an joke and I will be embarrassed by her and concerned about the survival for our country is she wins the election along with her communists VP. Our country will be lucky to still be functioning and the end of her first term.

  6. If you don’t like the candidates, fine. Its the political party that you need to vote on.
    Harris & Trump are just figureheads with no logic or commonsense. The question is: Do you want to be all about freedom as it has been for many years? Or do you want Socialism. If you don’t know what socialism is, look it up. Its the next step toward communism like in China, North Korea, Cuba, Russia and many other countries who are controlled by egotistical, extremist and controllers where you freedom is very limited. Think about what you want. Ask some of the illegals why they are coming here. Its for freedom to do what they want and not be treated like slaves by the filthy rich who are so unhappy with their lives and want to control you and have you do their bidding and could care less about you, whether you live or die as long as you appease them. Any dummy can run a country as long as you have your freedom to come and go as you please and you don’t have to bow down to the leaders wants.


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