The Hollywood types like Roberts do NOT have a high opinion of themselves and are terrified that the public will recognize it. So, they virtue signal. It works, for a while, because a willing Liberal Press will give them all the exposure they want because it supports their narrative. The Hollywood types crumble, however, when reality hits them in the face. Then they understand the trials of normal Americans. Robert’s, like so many Hollywood types, is made of wax. Any heat and she melts, exposed as the fake that she is.
Play with the devil and sooner or later you’ll be burnt, Julia.
The Hollywood types like Roberts do NOT have a high opinion of themselves and are terrified that the public will recognize it. So, they virtue signal. It works, for a while, because a willing Liberal Press will give them all the exposure they want because it supports their narrative. The Hollywood types crumble, however, when reality hits them in the face. Then they understand the trials of normal Americans. Robert’s, like so many Hollywood types, is made of wax. Any heat and she melts, exposed as the fake that she is.