When was Joy Beher ever a comedian?

That’s really funny Joyless calling herself a comedian


  1. Definitely Dear JOY
    You have made us Laugh 🤣 and Cry 😭 at times But we all have Regrets When You Are TREATED BADLY by the TRULY TRUMPassTIC ASSES with out any BRAINS 🧠 in Their ASS Souls 💩🤮😱✅

    • The three reasons joyless Behar should be in jail. #1, she’s butt ugly. #2, her accent is bloody awful, #3, she’s a stupid Marxist lover!

      By the way Jag, your posts are like a five year old trying to write his first essay! A total FAILURE!

    • HMM would you like to meet up with one in PERSON, anywhere, any time ???? I served my Country as did my Son, you could be number 38 ?

    • Truth hurts Joy(less) and you. Grow up and stop acting like a cry baby.
      If anyone deserves payback, Joy(less) does from all the hate-filled statements she has made.
      Karma is great when you are a good person; however, Karma really hurts when you are an evil person…keep that in mind, jag.
      Have a blessed day ~

    • jag when did Joy ever make us laugh? she never made me laugh shes not funny but I guess in the mental asylum where Jag lives Joy is brilliant but then you also laugh like a hyena at your dinner at the walls at a glass of water just take yer meds and stay off computer NOW GO TO YOUR CELL !

    • Jag, I hope you are not still moles.Ting children.We know you are a product of a brother and sister having mad passionate butt love

    • No, she supports a fascist, socialist, anti-American agenda lead by a cadre
      of globalist funded minions, bent on pushing deceit, tyranny, stripping the rights, liberties, and freedoms of the American people…while rendering our country, its values, our hard fought heritages and sovereignty into a third world satellite for a dark, dark criminal cabal. She supports the active agenda now in operation to kill as much of the American population as they can and repopulate the country with illegals, military age foreigners, invading our Nation, planning to attack us and our infrastructure, while they continue child trafficking operations for their elite monsters. It is all criminal, treasonous, and despicable to the American people. That is what these leftist demons have planned, carrying it out here and now. If you support that, then sane, aware and smart Americans will happily put you on the next rocket to Mars, or some other abysmal place…if they’ll take you!

    • Might as well be. He’s another brainwashed graduate of the socialist school system. His brain has never been allowed to absorb knowledge and develop normally. It’s hated-filled with propaganda – a zombie.

      • Yes. The socialist, marxist machine serving their globalist demon overlords (Satanic) has had their propaganda programs going for decades. Astonishing how many have their allegiance to it heart and soul. Yet, our country is falling apart right before their eyes.

    • Joy Behar who? I never heard of her before The View which, in of itself is a misnomer. The View is a one-sided propagandized opinion of the far-left. Most of their guests are far leftists. Anyone who is a guest on their program gets talked over if they try to disagree.

  2. I as a man will never ever understand how a woman any woman any age will vote for Trump. Taking away their immediate right to their BODIES the most personal and fundemantal rights in Humanity. The right to make decisions about your own God given bodies.

    • Man you an idiot Trump hasn’t done anything wrong he said the state will deal with all that and each states will vote against or for it ?

    • Elias, you are obviously, a libturd. You talk about “God given” bodies, but you don’t want to follow God’s Commandments. THOU SHALT NOT KILL. Hypocrite.

    • I think women should make their choices about their bodies but once there is a baby that is another body and that body needs to have a choice. Women should make their choices before SEX not after

    • Hey Elias. Could have sworn you were a woman already. You sure post like one.
      Little FAGGOT.
      Also sure you wish you were a woman.

    • If you realize your body is “God given” then you have to realize also what the Bible says: “your body is the temple of the Lord”. So how do you justify killing a baby that grows in this temple. However -there are exceptions-dire emergencies- not because a woman can’t keep her legs together, or a man can’t keep it in his pants.

    • Murdering babies IS NOT a God-given right, idiot! If someone is irresponsible and has unprotected sex and gets pregnant, shame on them. Use birth control!! No one is saying you have to keep the baby (you would probably be a lousy parent anyway if you could have murdered a baby). Adoption is an alternative. Many couples can’t have children and would love to adopt. Women baby murderers: get sterilized so you never again have to worry about another unwanted pregnancy. Men baby murderer accomplices: get a vasectomy so you never have to worry about impregnating a woman again. PP is only interested in fetus body parts to sell on the black market, not women’s reproductive rights and women’s health. Population control is also on the left’s agenda. A smaller population is easier to control. That’s why PP and its proponents are foaming at the mouth to lie and manipulate the masses.

    • Well, you might look into the dark, racist and abominably evil history of Planned Parenthood, and surmise for yourself if the organization and others like it are really about women’s rights.
      Have you ever heard of organ harvesting, and especially adrenochrome? For a man I’d say you are pretty naive. But that’s exactly how they, the demons and their ignorant minions, want you!

    • God knows that soul even before conception, you are killing someone God made in his own image. Think about that, God has a whole like planned for that baby even before it’s born, so just think what is in store for demolishing God’s plan for that child, they could be the person that ends up saving man kind one day with meds or cleaner engines etc. What will you say when you are facing God one day when he asks?

  3. Maher is a looney libturd. He thinks he’s smart, but he’s not. I’ve known that ‘global warming/climate change’ has been a hoax since 1977. My Geology professor at the college I attended told me it was all about money, way back then. It’s never been an emergency. If it was, rich democrats wouldn’t buy oceanside property.

  4. Everything Bill Maher said about “The Republicans” and climate change is FALSE-not true. Same old Demo tactic, if you lie over and over and over people will start to believe it.

  5. Great presentation. BEHAR THE BEAST – never funny – she is an idiot and callous NOBODY, IGNORE her so she can squirm like a snake that she is. MAHER is an IDIOT IGNORANT NOT FUNNY – NOT ATTRACTIVE – JUST IGNORE AND THAT WILL MAKE HIM CRY

    • Because madame, we are at War.
      Your sentiments are greatly recognized by Americans with heart and true humanity, which of course makes up the vast majority in our country. However these people, their agenda and massive propaganda apparatus want the country on its knees and in ruins. Really has little to do with Joy B, however she is associated with the globalist arm, probably by default in her job, and pushes their agenda forward…unless challenged and disclosed for what they really are.

    • A lot of these “hateful” comments are actually making very concrete points despite their tone. I find it troubling that you advocate for kindness and civility when unborn children are literally being murdered. You appear to be more concerned with being universally liked than standing for what is virtuous. Don’t think for a minute that God isn’t taking notice.

  6. The reason our oceans are polluted is because of corporations dumping their crap in it. Alcohol burns 100% clean and propane I don`t have the numbers. This isn`t a reason to go to electric cars. First, fix the lies they have generators that will keep up with EVs. Carbon dioxide helps plants grow. Lithium batteries don`t mean a thing. They are better functioning. We are at the point of perpetual motion. The problem with the elite is there is no money in it.

  7. She’s not too bright, but Trump is the champion moron! Imagine any other politician babbling about Hannibal Lechter, sharks & boat batteries, snakes, whales & windmills, rigged elections, toilet flushes, eating pets, wet rain, shower pressure, nuking hurricanes, etc? What a demented fucking lunatic! Flush the orange turd AGAIN, and get him a padded cell.

  8. Sure beats the Trump times these days.
    Last time I checked, restaurants are full, airplanes are packed, hotels are filled, concerts are packed, sports events are full to capacity.. highways are packed with vehicles.
    yeah.. economy is not good huh!?


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