Joe was RAMBLING Incoherently Yesterday, so his staff tried to Shut Him Down…TWICE!



And he’s still brighter than Harris.

Kamala sounds like the wife trying to shut her drunk husband up at the family event


  1. With these two idiots pretending to run the Country, we are very lucky that China and Russia have not destroyed us. Then again, they are probably waiting for joey and heels up to finish the job that they started.

  2. China and Russia don’t have to destroy us. In fact, they don’t have to fire a shot. They can sit back and watch dopey Joe and cackling Kammy destroy the USA from within.

  3. Sadly, anyone can beat Trump. He was such a horseshit president. Every time the demented old fool opens his mouth he loses more supporters. Once again, the majority of Americans will flush the orange turd, and he will again be whining about a rigged election. It’s no surprise that 18 of his former appointed cabinet members now support Harris. They know Trump better than anyone

  4. You are so FAR Right and so TRUELY TRUMPissly CORRECT 👍 as He has been Choking on these words That He is officially OFFERING a Real Warning to the People of AMERICA 🇺🇸 desperately Trying hard to WARN them obviously of the Real Possibility That TRUMP and PUTIN are Planning to be PARTNERS 😭😱

  5. Whether you are Republican or Democrat open your eyes and really see for yourself what is happening to America. These illegals are being paid to come here and vote for Harris. Only Americans can vote in America. Try that shit in Russia or China. They’d shoot you.
    This is the worst mess we have ever been in. It was NEVER like this with Trump leading the USA. Dems want to toss the constitution, get rid of the police, take your guns and tell you what to do. That is socialism and marxism. Run from it.

    • The country was a disaster under Trump. Businesses were going bankrupt. Massive unemployment. He added $8 TRILLION to the national debt so inflation started spiraling out of control. These days are so much better than the Trump times.
      Now the restaurants are full, airplanes are packed, hotels are filled, concerts are packed, sports events are full to capacity.. highways are packed with vehicles, lowest unemployment in 40 years, stock market as doubled.
      yeah.. economy is not good, but GREAT since we flushed the orange turd.

    • Wow Loretta, another brainwashed Magat who won’t check facts. As a woman with any(?) self-respect, why support a pussy-grabbing predator convicted of sexual assault who cheats on every wife he’s had, bangs porn stars and wants to control women’s bodies? Is that the kind of pervert you want your daughter to marry? You must suffer from really low self-esteem.

  6. Wow Loretta, another brainwashed Magat who won’t check facts. As a woman with any(?) self-respect, why support a pussy-grabbing predator convicted of sexual assault who cheats on every wife he’s had, bangs porn stars and wants to control women’s bodies? Is that the kind of pervert you want your daughter to marry? You must suffer from really low self-esteem.


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